Articulo Científico En Ingles

Páginas: 4 (835 palabras) Publicado: 31 de mayo de 2012
Glass is one hundred percent recyclable and its management is relatively easy. The English school sells itself as a school that teaches environmental values to its students, that’s why we are highlyinclined to think that the management is proper at school. To determine this, an investigation was carried out where cleaning ladies, maintenance, teachers and students answered a survey about glassrecycling at school. We concluded that glass isn’t properly managed in school and that everything is thrown as common garbage.
1. Introduction:
The world nowadays is suffering from the waste we areproducing, affecting natural resources. To reduce rubbish, people started to recycle. Recycling is a method in which litter is collected and transformed, so that it is useful again. Glass is 100percent recyclable because none of its properties are lost when heated and reshaped. Glass can be recycled a lot of times and its quality won’t be affected. Glass is easy to be distinguished from otherwaste, making its classification a lot easier. We produce at least half of our waste in school and a lot of waste is produce, because in school there are between 1500 and 2000 people either working orstudying. In a school day a lot of rubbish is produced. This is the reason why we decided to ask ourselves, is glass being correctly managed at school?. Our hypothesis is that glass is being properlymanaged at school because one of the values TES promotes and teaches their students are environmental values .
2. Method and Variables
The method that we used to carry out the followinginvestigation was:
• We carried out a survey about waste management of glass. (Annex 1: survey)
• The survey was carried out on cleaning ladies, maintenance staff, Bach teacher and students from grades 7-11.• The data was analyzed and plotted as bar graphs.
And the variables we took into account were:
• Dependent: management of the glass waste at The English School
• Independent: Opinion of the...
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