Breve Reseña Sobre El Libro Oliver Twist

Páginas: 7 (1599 palabras) Publicado: 19 de mayo de 2012
Report and activities of the elected book

Universidad Politécnica de San Luis Potosí
Ingles IV
A-41 de 16:00-17:00 PM
Profesora: Claudia Leticia Jiménez González
-.::090560::. - Gilberto Alejandro Pérez Avilés
A Little report about of the book Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.

Report of the elected book:

For the final exam of my English class,I have to choose one book of the “extensive and varied” library of CADI for read and then I going to recommend you (as if I had really enjoyed) this book.
How am I going to recommend you this book? Or how can I recommend you this book?
Well the only way is that I have to write a bored report and you should read this report so………… this is a small, bored, dirty and pathetic report about the oneof the most important books written by Charles Dickens; Oliver Twist.
I think you are very! Very! But very!!! Interested in knowing because I chose this book
Again let`s start with my nasty childhood………..when I was a little and chubby piece of meat more wise not to eat and sleep (well at least I could read) my parents bought me many books; many of them were novels of some authors such as:Julio Verne, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Lewis Carroll, Daniel Defoe, Homer………………..and many more including Charles Dickens and his book Oliver Twist. I had read this book obviously in Spanish so should be easier for me to read and indeed it was, because I knew more or less this novel.
Why do you need to read this book…....?
You don’t need to read this book but if you have nothing to do and you area lazy uneducated piece of beast without brain that besides hear any of these wastes like: banda, raegetoon, wepa, wacharacas, hyphy… and if you read any kind of these scrap: tv ynotas, tv ynovelas, porti, miguia…….and above all you spend all day watching programs like: laura en America, la rosa de Guadalupe, the bandamax channel……………..and stuff like that , definitely you must read this book atleast for give a meaning to your live.
Oliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens, this was his second novel by periodic deliveries every month in the magazine Bentley's Miscellany between February of 1837 and April of 1839 also was the first novel with a kid as a protagonist, the novel is written under the influence of a law approved for the parliament in 1834; the law was called “the poor law”;the law said that there was work for everybody so the people unemployed or poor were lazy and for consequence were treated and persecuted as criminals; in fact the government offered these people some place to live called “work house”, where they had food and bed. But it was a uncomfortable place to live, otherwise people would never seek a work. In this context, happens the history of OliverTwist, one orphan boy who loses his mother at birth, a guy with no money, a little kid who has no friends on a lonely, cold and dark world, were evil characters like Mr. Bumble, Mrs. Sowerberry, or Noah Clay pole will make his life an unpleasant torment, hard to overcome. However, Oliver does not leave to fight for his dreams, his illusions, his hopes and a strong wish to be loved in a better place tolive with the family that he never had…………..
I regret to say that this is a good book that deals with black humor and sarcasm several serious problems such as: child abuse, child exploitation, child labor or the use of children for crimes, as well as the poverty, the hunger and the social marginalization.
Finally seriously without joke and sarcasm, I have to invite you to read this exciting andfabulous story full of contrasting emotions and images they can get one or two tears accompanied by a sigh that remain engraved in your memory as a beautiful remember of this unforgettable novel that should not leave to read.
I hope you enjoyed reading this short but entertaining and fun report-recommendation thanks for your attention and your time so good bay until the next time, if I...
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