
Páginas: 2 (327 palabras) Publicado: 10 de mayo de 2011
El bullying es una modalidad de agresión que sufren los escolares y que en los últimos meses ha registrado víctimas mortales y con lesiones graves, provocando la natural alarma de lacomunidad.

Es por eso que la Universidad San Martín de Porres realizará el foro “El bullying en el Perú, hoy”, dirigido a los interesados, especialmente a los padres de familia,que vienen demandando medidas de protección para los niños y jóvenes que son víctimas del acoso escolar.
Según algunos estudios realizados, se estima que en el Perú el 58% de lapoblación escolar está involucrada en acciones de bullying, lo que da lugar a una variada gama de comportamientos que van desde el temor de ir a la escuela, el bajo rendimiento escolar, eincluso, hasta el suicidio y el homicidio.
Bullying and The School Bully
Bullying is a problem all over. Many children and teens have to deal with more than one school bully, and sometimeseven friends can bully. Here you will find bullying resources for children who are being bullied and for those who bully.
3. Gang Violence
4. School Violence
1. Television ViolenceFive Steps to Take if Your Child is Being Bullied
These five steps will help your child trust that you can help them with their bullying problem.
Warning Signs Your Child is BeingBullied
Checklist of warning signs that a bully is picking on your child. If you see these bullying type signs, it is time to have a gentle but firm talk with your teen.
Cyberbullying:A New Way to Bully
Cyberbullying is new way to bully and crops up out of our teens’ ability to connect with each other through internet social websites, email and cell phones. Whilethe ability to talk with friends in these different ways is fun, it has given bullies a new way of doing what they want to do - hurt people. Here are some tips on what you can do if...
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