
Páginas: 4 (820 palabras) Publicado: 22 de mayo de 2012

In this day and age, bullying is no longer a kid pushing around another kid on the playground, although that is still happening. It’s harassing, taunting, emotionally abusing andphysically hurting another person to the point of doing irrevocable harm. We’ve all seen the mean girls fight videos on YouTube and read the news about the kids being shot or stabbed at school or teenscommitting suicide because they just can’t take it anymore. While bullying make still happen in schools across the country, its time it is no longer an accepted practice. Adults who are in charge need tostep in and take care of the victim and address the issue with the perpetrators. Zero tolerance for any type of bullying needs to be practiced. Community service to the school teaches giving back andis a wonderful consequence when dealing with a bully.
An American Justice Department study shows 1 in 4 youths are bullied. Thirty percent (30%) of U.S. students in grades six through ten areinvolved in moderate or frequent bullying — as bullies, as victims, or as both. It really is enough of a problem for parents to start calling for action on the part of the schools their children and teensattend.
There are four types of bullying. It can be physical, verbal, emotional and cyber bullying. Bullying is defined as deliberate and hurtful behavior, usually repeated over a period of time.Bullying is almost always done to kids who are perceived to be more vulnerable than the bullies, or n the case of cyber bullies the anonymous factor leaves every child and teen vulnerable.
The fear ofbeing harassed in school gets in the way of learning for your child and it may make going to school – or wherever the bully is - a miserable experience. Being bullied can make children feel lonely,unhappy and unsafe. Children who are being bullied may develop stomach aches, nightmares, nervousness and anxiety.
What Parents Can Do to Help Their Child Deal with a Bully

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