
Páginas: 2 (324 palabras) Publicado: 3 de diciembre de 2012
Hydropower energy

It is called hydropower, hydropower or hydroelectricity, It's made from the kinetic and potential water flow, waterfalls or tides. It is a kind of green energy whenenvironmental impact is minimal , furthermore it is considered just a form of renewable energy.
It can made in very different scales, have existed for centuries in rural mills. However, the mostsignificant i is used hydroelectric dam. These features make it significant in regions where there is an appropriate more rain., terrain geological favorable and is possible made a damconstruction.
The main hydropower advantages is a renewable energy and a efficient energy, and also is a an inexhaustible energy and is ecological. It is a completely clean energy, emits no fumes, noemissions toxic and does not cause any kind of acid rain. The storage of water it’s use for the irrigation systems and we can control the risk of the floodings.
Furthermore the big advantage ofwater power or hydropower is the elimination of fuel costs and it can not import the products of the other countries. Hydraulic plants also have a longer lives than fuel power plants. There hydroplants can be open after 50 to 100 years
However the hydropower the construction of bigs dams can flood significant areas of land, and this can produce the loss of fertile land, depend on wherethey are built, for example in the past when the construction dam destroyed a village. Also destruction of nature, dams and reservoirs can destroy aquatic ecosystems.
And can change theecosystem river, when the turbines are opened and closed repeatedly, the flow of the river can change, causing a dramatic change in ecosystems.
Finally we have to decide what are the pros and cons ofusing this energy, and then decide if the benefits are much greater than the disadvantages. Because to use hydroelectric power is really a green energy, which can solve the actual energy model.
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