*Early Pregnancy*

Páginas: 2 (263 palabras) Publicado: 18 de noviembre de 2012
*Early Pregnancy*
It’s the pregnancy into the teenagers stage [10-19 years] caused by the practice pf sexual relations without contraception methods.
Thepregnancy in a teenager could finish with the burning of the baby or get interrupt by an abort which can be spontaneous or induced. In Mexico the early pregnancy it sofrequently, because of the less of sexual education, contraception methods, sexual abuse by their boyfriends, close family, friends, and etc.difference in the age ofsexually active couple.
The Encuesta Nacional y Nutricion [ENsyN] in 2006 report about the pregnancy rate in girls and teenagers in 2000 where 179.413 teenagers between15 y 17 years with al least one child and in 2005 register 164.108.

o To promote values and family unity as well as good principles
oProvide sexual education from early age.
o Provide contraception methods to all teenagers and give information about their use.
o Services about family planningo But if there is nothing to do there must be support for teen mom by the grand parents and the government[including helping to re-integrate into obligatoryeducation, counseling and psychological support and economic cooperation with the young parent’s and increasing housing for the teen family]

Thepregnancy in teenagers is a serious problem psychosocial. Only the conviction that the adult [parents, teachers, etc.] can put a stop to this sad reality ofbringing children into the world because of lack knowledge and values, it’s time to inculcate to the teenager her obligation about to protect themselves when having sex
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