Economic Report: Morocco, Slowakia And Spain

Páginas: 17 (4184 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2013

Introduction …………………………………………….……………………... page 2
1. Production………………………………………………………………….. page 3
2.1. Agricultural Production……………………………………………….. page 3
2.2. CarIndustry…………………………………………………………… page 4

2. International Trade…………………………………………………………. Page 7
3.3. Slovakia ……………………………………………………………….. page 7
3.4. Spain ...………………………………………………………………… page 8
3.5. Morocco……………………………………………………………….. page 9

3. Conclusion………………………………………………………………….. page 11

4. Bibliography ……………………………………………………………….. page 12

During this document we will focus on production and on international tradebecause we think with these economic variables we can find some relationships between Morocco, Slovakia and Spain. But, to try to establish certain relations between them, we understand we need to have a general overview of these three countries. Let us first see what is, in general, the actual situation considering a period of time from 2002 till 2010.
Taking into account the growth of thesecountries, we must consider the GDP. In this case, we note that Morocco presents a higher average GDP growth for this period and it moves around a 4.78%. This figure is very close the Slovakia ones, which has an average annual growth of a 5%. So, Spain is the country which has the lowest average GDP growth. It moves about a 2%. We can observe the GDP growth (annual %) for 2002 to 2010 graphically:SOURCE: The World Bank. World Bank Data.World Development Indicators & Global Development Finance. Countries: Morocco, Slovak Republic and Spain. Series: GDP growth (annual %). Time: 2002-2010. Format Report.

On the other hand, we consider the population as a variable also important. For this period of time, Spain has a remarkable growth in its population, with a rounded figure of 5 millionpeople, up 3 million in Morocco and constant population of Slovakia. In this point can we consider the net migration considerate too. For the last year of that period, it means in 2010, Spain increased its population in more than 2 million of people. In Slovakia, it increased too, but in a lower amount of people, so in this case, the population was 36 684 people higher. Finally, Morocco decreasedits population and ended in 2010 with 675 000 people less. Showing this data we can conclude that while in Spain the immigration has been significantly higher (and in Slovakia it maintain constant) versus the migration, in Morocco has left more people than it has decided to settle in the country.
Also related to the population we found the available labor force in the country. Once again, Spaintops the ranking with an increase from 2002 till 2010 of 4 million people, being a total of 23 million people able to work. Morocco follows it with an increase a million of people, the total in 2010 were 11 million. So, the last one is Slovakia, which presents a constant workforce during this period of 3 million people.
To finish this introduction, we think we must consider the Human DevelopmentIndex (HDI) value adjusted for inequalities in the three basic dimensions of human development. We observe that Spain and Slovakia are considered as countries with a very high human development (they are on 23th and 35th position out of 187 in HDI Rank respectively). In the 130th position is Morocco, like a country with a medium human development. The HDI represents a push for a broader definitionof well-being and provides a composite measure of three basic dimensions of human development: health, education and income.


As we have mentioned in the introduction, we observe that Slovakia has the highest average GDP (annual %) while Spain has the lowest one. But, what are the activities which makes its GDP growth more or less?...
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