Educacion En Valores

Páginas: 3 (631 palabras) Publicado: 7 de abril de 2012
Proposal for a teaching strategy for values ​​education
presents some criteria for designing a strategic plan to make a conscious effort in the formation of values​​. It should be noted that theseproposals are particularly focused on the level of higher education:

To promote a methodology that facilitates the understanding and mutual aid, through didactic interaction.
Generate a significantlearning as a process motivator towards reflection and experience of the values ​​with greater learner autonomy.
Students must build their learning of values, thanks to an older person whotreats it respectfully and allowed to feel and think about values​​.
It is important, generate experiences continuous reinforcement to behaviors that indicate the practice of values ​​in the classroom.
It isvital to a change in teacher attitude to assume the teaching of values​​, reflecting a greater awareness and full identity with their homework and their profession.
It is essential in the educationof values, namely prioritizing emotional, avoiding the insensitivity that subverts the values ​​and discourages their adoption and practice.
A previous work of development and optimization of emotionalintelligence is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of a program in education in values.
Encourage interactive learning and experiential circumstances, creating opportunitiesfor analysis and opinion to distinguish valoriccontent.
Generate creative activities such as "torrent of ideas", problem solving and innovative projects that facilitate the development ofintra andinterpersonal intelligence learners.

Every day society demands more strongly to the universities training professionals.

The quality of training depends not only on the knowledge and skills to develop curriculum at theuniversity but also the interests and values ​​that govern their performance. (6)

The love of the profession, responsibility, honesty, values ​​are essential regulators of the performance of...
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