English article

Páginas: 2 (318 palabras) Publicado: 29 de mayo de 2011
Aero-boxing a new way of self-defense
The first time that I arrived to Temuco I was attacked by a man who stole my backpack with all my money and goods, in thismoment I fell so bad and angry because I was unable to defend myself, for that reason I thought that it was absolutely necessary to learn how to defend myself ifsomething like that happen again. The first thing that I tried was karate, but at the end of the first class I knew that it wasn’t for me, it was so difficult. Then I triedjudo which was almost as rough as karate, so I continued looking for the right item for me. And finally after a few weeks I find a gym in where I started to practice“Aero-boxing”.
What Aero-boxing is?
Aero-boxing is a new kind of sport which combines aerobics movements with boxing punches, karate kicks and musicalaccompaniment. This sport has been beneficial for me, because now I feel better, I am fit and of course I learned self-defense. This has been an amazing experience, at thebeginning was just for necessity but now is for pleasure and enjoy, for me is a new way to release all the daily stress, also help me to relax.
Advantages anddisadvantages
The advantages of aero-boxing are that is not expensive and you do not need special equipment, just sporting cloth, sneakers and water to be always hydrated.Classes are three times a week and the cost will depend on the place chosen by you, but probably you will receive a discount if you are university student. The onlydisadvantage that I found is with the times, because classes are at 8.30 a.m and 18.30 p.m and could be a problem if you have classes early or too late in the afternoon.
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