English script

Páginas: 3 (628 palabras) Publicado: 31 de mayo de 2011
Esteban: Good morning, our team composed by Leonel Gonzalez, Christian Orellana and me, your server Esteban Rodriguez. Right now we will talk to you of the importance of gasoline en today’s worldalong with its properties. Any questions or doubts please let us know at the end of the exposition. We hope you like our presentation.
Esteban Objective: The point of this project is to learn anddeepen our knowledge of gasoline, and to learn its roll like a source of energy en daily life.
Esteban what it is? Gasoline is a mixture of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum, it is used as fuel inmotors it is also used in stoves, lamps etc.
Esteban History: There are various theories concerning the forming of petroleum, the theory most accepted is one concerning an organic theory supposedly itoriginated from the decomposition of the remains of animal y slowly transformed into hydrocarbons. The gasoline’s roll in daily life didn’t start until 1895 with the first cars, and before 1914 therewas already in existence more than 1 million cars.
Leonel How is it produced?: Gasoline is obtained in a refinery. In general it is obtained from fractional destination, which is the lightest partof the liquid fraction of petroleum.
Leonel what substances does it contain? The main substance that the fuel contains is the naft, the light naft and the reformed one. Other components which areused in the formation of gasoline are butane, MTBE, ETBE, and ethanol.
Christian Properties: Gasoline has 4 main properties which are as follow:
1 Octane- this has a direct relation to the performanceof the performance of the vehicle. This is important because it is related with the combustion of the gasoline in the motor
2 Distillation curve: this is related with the decomposition andcomposition of the gasoline, and its vapor pressure.
3 Volatile- This registers in an indirect manner the content of the volatile components this has an important relation with the ecosystem.
4 Sulfur...
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