Extraordinary People

Páginas: 6 (1410 palabras) Publicado: 13 de octubre de 2012
Brenda Itzel

My list of extraordinary people:

~Nick Vujicic

It's a Christian preacher, motivational speaker and director of Life Without Limbs, an organization for people with physical disabilities. Born in Melbourne, Australia, with agenesis consisting of a tri-amelia which is characterized by the absence of three of his limbs, missing both arms atshoulder level and right lower extremity, and a meromelia left lower extremity , has a small foot with two fingers of his left thigh protuberando. After praying for arms and legs, Nick began to observe that their achievements were an inspiration to many, and began to acknowledge that he was alive. At seventeen he began to give talks at his prayer group and began a nonprofit organization.
~Ludwig vanBeethoven

Beethoven is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers in history. He gave his first public performance as a pianist when he was only 8 years. He studied in Vienna and his teacher was Mozart. In 1796 Beethoven began losing his hearing. Despite his illness, he plunged into his work and created some of the greatest works of music. achieved all this despite being completely deaf forthe past 25 years of his life, more or less

~Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh’ was a Dutch painter &is considered one of the greatest painters the world has ever seen! His paintings have contributed immensely to the foundations of modern art. In his 1O’ year career produced 9OO’ paintings &11OO’ drawings. Some of his works currently are the most expensive! Vincent Van Goghsuffered depression, &in 1889’ was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. His depression worsened over time and on July’27’189O’ at the age of 37’ years, Van Gogh shot himself in the chest and died two days later. His last words were ‘The sadness will last forever’..

~Hellen Adams Keller

Helen Adams Keller was an American writer, political activist and teacher. It was the first deaf blind personto earn a Bachelor of Arts. The story of how Keller's teacher, Annie Sullivan, broke the isolation imposed by the almost total lack of language allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, is known worldwide through the dramatic representations of the work and the film The Miracle Worker. Sullivan taught Helen to communicate by spelling the words in the hand, wrist, beginning withthe word referring to the doll that had brought as gifts. Hellen openly opposed the war, campaigned for women's suffrage, workers rights, and socialism as well as many other progressive causes. In 192O, he helped found the American Civil Liberties Union. Keller and Sullivan traveled to over 39’ countries. Keller met every U.S. president from Grover Cleveland to Lyndon B. Johnson and was friends withmany famous figures, including Alexander Graham Bell, Charlie Chaplin, and Mark Twain

~Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo fue una pintora mexicana de renombre que ha creado obras notables, la mayoría de ellas autorretratos que reflejan su dolor y tristeza. Ella usaba en sus pinturas colores vibrantes influenciados por las culturas de México. Ella fue la primera artista mexicana de siglo 20 cuya obrafue... Ver mas
Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter of repute who has created remarkable works, most of them self-portraits that reflect your pain and sadness. She used vibrant colors in his paintings influenced by the cultures of Mexico. She was the first Mexican artist of the century 2O whose work was acquired by an international museum. Kahlo contracted polio at age six, which left her right legthinner than the left, which Kahlo disguised wearing long skirts and colorful. It has been conjectured that she also suffered from spin bifida, a congenital disease that could have affected both spinal and leg development. Although he recovered from his injuries and eventually regained her ability to walk, she was plagued by relapses of extreme pain for the rest of his life. The pain was intense...
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