
Páginas: 8 (1900 palabras) Publicado: 1 de diciembre de 2012
South Africa is a country of Africa located in the south end of this continent. His official name is A Republic of South Africa and possesses three capitals, Pretoria, headquarters of the executive power, Bloemfontein, headquarters of the judicial power, and Cape Town, headquarters of the power legislativo.3 Possess 2.798 kilometers of coast in the oceans The Atlantic Ocean andÍndico.4 Borders in the northern part on Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe, in the eastern part on Mozambique and Suazilandia, whereas Lesotho is an enclave surrounded by the territory South African is known by his diversity of cultures, languages and religious beliefs, by what he is known as the nation of the rainbow. Eleven languages are recognized as officials by the Constitution of South Africa. Twoof eleven languages are of European origin: the Afrikaans, language that comes European origin: the Afrikaans, language that comes directly from the Dutchman and is spoken by the majority of the inhabitants of white race and for it them crossbreeds, and the Englishman. Though the Englishman has an important role in the public and commercial life it is, nevertheless, the fifth language for speaker’snativos.6 South Africa is an ethnically diverse country. 79, 5 % of the South African population is of black ancestry, which is divided in different ethnic groups that Bantus speak different languages, nine of which are official. In addition it possesses the inhabitants' major communities of European and Indian origin, as well as of multiracial communities of the continent. South Africa is one ofthe members Founders of the African Union, and it has the major economy of the continent between all the members. He is also a charter member of the United Nations and of the NEPAD. El País newspaper is a member of the Union of Nations, the Agreement Antarctic, the Group of the 77, the Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic, the Customs Union of Southern Africa, the WTO, the IMF, theG20, the G8+5, the CIVETS, between others. South Africa is also a country in which big desigualdades exist between the different social groups; while big fortunes exist and the capitals are between the principal centers of business of Africa, approximately a fourth part of the South African population is desempleada7 and lives with less than 1 ' 25 dollars to día.8

South Africapossesses some of the deposits paleo anthropological more ancient of Africa, does million years, it was lived by groups of Australopithecus Africans that were surviving gathering roots, dried and vegetable fruits, mollusks, hunting and pescando.10 several species of Homo happened To Them, including Homo hails, Homo erg aster and the modern man (Homo sapiens). The bushmen for 100.000 years and later thecurrent Hottentots, are the first human bought property groups. During the age of iron and up to the current importance, human groups of black race spread over the territory. Farmers and ranchers Bantus established in s. The It and V to the south of the river Limpopo. Later they moved more in the southern part, to the current province of KwaZulu-Natal, where he is
He finds the most ancientsmelting, which dates back of 1050. In the historical period, the ethnic group of the Xhosa established even more in the southern part, reaching the river Fish in what
Nowadays it is the Oriental province of the End. These more advanced populations displaced the native settler’s hunters - collectors. In the moment of the arrival of the Europeans, the indigenous population was the result of animmigration from other parts of Africa, between that the peoples were standing out Xhosa and Zulu. Though from ends of the 15th century the Europeans had sailed nearby to the South African coasts, only in 1652 the Dutch Company of the East Indies established a small accession that would turn into Cape Town. The city turned into British colony into 1806, provoking that The Boers (original colonists of...
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