Global Warming

Páginas: 5 (1086 palabras) Publicado: 11 de diciembre de 2012
24 August 2010
Global Warming
Global Warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near surface, air and oceans. The planet is warming from pole to pole. The negative effects of Global Warming are happening right now. The ice is melting, the sea level has risen, and rain and snowfall have increased across the globe. Can the planet be saved or is it too late?Global Warming, also known as climate change is a phenomenon that has concerned more and more to the world, since his breakthrough it is changing every single natural worldwide aspects in Earth, with direct consequences for short and long term. To explain it simply, this is the increasing the Earth's temperature because of the excessive release of carbon dioxide and other gases that act trappingheat in the atmosphere. In this way, a thick layer of gases that traps the heat of the Sun addressing directly on the Earth's surface are forming with each issue. Year after year the human activities that generate these gases increase, leading to an increase in the process heating of the gases that cause this phenomenon, occur when burned fossil from cars, factories, the power plants, etc..The littledefense of the planet is caused in turn by the loss of forests, agriculture, and the increasing deforestation. During its existence the temperature of the Earth has suffered countless changes, cooling and warming many times over. Weather changes happen with changes in orbit. These orbital changes cause surface and atmospherical variances also. The changes in the Sun's energy also have a greateffect on the Earth.

Fig. 1. Global Warming cause and effects pages from 8 august 2010.
Unfortunately the changes have been bought on mainly by ourselves; Humanity. The Earth has always had climatic changes. The difference is that they are happening faster than before. The changes were smaller and not as significant as they have been since the begging of the IndustrialRevolution. The rapid warming in recent times has been much more noticeable than before. The planet has not been able to fully adjust to the changes it has been put through. It is expected that by the end of this century the temperatures will go up to 6 c (Earth's Response) Rainfall patterns, land erosion, the melting of glaciers, even some infectious diseases are affected by the increase intemperature. Earth's lower atmosphere has had a gradual increase. This has been a result of an increase in greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution.

Fig. 2. Graphic of ice water around the world pages from
Scientists are predicting a year of disaster in a huge scale, the reason global warming. Predicted effects range from floods to landslides,and the death rate from starvation worldwide is set rise to twenty thousand a week. Global Warming may take millions of lives, scientist are expecting storms more savage more than anything yet people have seen fire and flood, destruction on a massive scale. Research began worldwide and by mid nineties the scientists were completely sure even world leaders were convinced.

Fig. 3. An enlargementof a Positive proof Global Warming page from 10 august 2010.
"Our challenge is to leave our environment safe and clean for the next generation" (President Clinton n.pag). By 1996 Americans knew that there were changing the world’s climate, they are destroying their own climate, carbon dioxide from their cars and factories from burning and deforestation is increasing the sunsand climate heat, as they pollute the planet its becoming hotter, its already the earth is half a degree warmer than it was a hundred years ago. What it will be like in 50 years time? Already our climate is changing, the reason floods worldwide have been wide spread and more severe than before, also it happens more frequently. The Contributing factors of Global Warming have been the burning of...
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