
Páginas: 4 (869 palabras) Publicado: 5 de octubre de 2012
Nowadays United States has a lot of places to visit for tourism but exists an exotic place where was incorporated in 1903 is one of the most richest cities in the country and the world andis the city where produces the best movies with the best characters.
In Los Angeles handles around of 500 millions of dollars per month because the production of movies, in Hollywood apart frommovies has another historical place like the Glen-Holly Hotel was the first hotel in Hollywood builded in 1890 and until today this place exist which is located in Yucca Street, it has his own historybecause when the first characters who was famous stayed here when the life was calmly.
The time pass and Hollywood grow so the film study began with the first studio called Nestor Studio which wasfoundated in 1912 by the Centaur Company from New Jersey which their movies was good produced and filmed in this years so the first movie which they debuted was The Squaw Man to two years after hisfoundation which principal characters was Dustin Farnum and Salisbury Monroe and directed by Oscar Apfel and Cecil B.De Bille
Pass the time and Hollywood became more famous and commercial and in thistimes was when the three principal film industries appeared in the city this fill industries was Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros. and Columbia Pictures, this group of industries appeared simultaneously in1920, in the beginning their were not successful but with their third or fourth movie had the reception of public around the world. The principal company which made their inauguration with a bigpresentation to the public in general was Columbia Pictures with a main event in Hollywood Boulevard where the president of United States was in there to congratulate the owner for the effort to create asuccessful company.
Taking this example to the public Warner Bros was not far behind and the owners made a principal project and this was to built a big theatre in the city which has the same name...
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