Infeccion En Cirugia

Páginas: 10 (2455 palabras) Publicado: 2 de octubre de 2012
Frances A. Griffin RRT, MPA | Nursing Management
November 2005 
Volume 36  Number 11
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are the leading type of infection among hospitalized patients. Careful handling of the surgical equipments reduces the chances of surgical site infections, and those who incorporate bestpractice standards can reduce the morbidity and mortality associatedm with SSIs. The purpose of the research was to find out the knowledge of trauma and orthopedic nurses on how surgical site infections arise and what they are doing to prevent them.

The study was done by qualitative method of research where it would be possible to get deeper views of the participants, the interview was a mixture ofstructured and unstructured as in a way there are a couple of questions that will be followed but the informants will be allowed to go to any direction regarding the questions.
From the qualitative research conducted, the researchers found out that surgical site infections could be prevented by the following means: Aseptic measures from patient to the health care team or vice versa. Avoidingmalnutrition which makes the immune system weak. Patient education is vital as it prepares them for the operation. Patients with other previously infections have a higher risk of re-infection. Catheters and cannules should be removed after surgery and if they should stay, they should be changed according to the rules, isolation of infected patients to prevent transmission and improving practices byfollowing up all known infection control
Rules.The evidence for better care
SSI has been well studied; evidence in the literature regarding techniques that reduce the risk of infection date back to the 1970s. Despite this, these practices haven't been universally implemented in hospitals. This variation may contribute to differences in SSI rates and mortality of surgical patients seen acrosshospitals.
Several national organizations recognize the importance of reducing SSI through several key interventions. These groups, including the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the National Quality Forum, have developed quality measures based on these key interventions. We have the evidence, we know what works, andwe can do better. This is why SSI prevention is a key intervention in the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's 100,000 Lives Campaign.

A surgical site infection (SSI) is an infection that develops within 30 days after an
operation or within one year if an implant was placed and the infection appears to be
related to the surgery. Post-operativeinfections are the most common healthcareassociated infection in surgical patients, occurring in up to 5 percent of surgical patients. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) term for infections associated with surgical procedures was changed from surgical wound infection to surgical site infection in 1992 (Rhee & Harris, 2008).

SSIs occurs when a bacteria is present within awound. The bacteria may be
transferred by contact from surgeons or nurses’ hands, the bacterial could be airborne
during surgery, and or the patient may come in contact with bacteria after surgery.
The most common forms of bacteria that cause surgical site infections include
streptococcus pyogenes, and staphylococcus aureus (About Surgical Care
Improvement Project Information, 2007).


There are four main factors which influence the infection rates in surgical wounds,
they include, Patient variables, Preoperative preparation, Operative procedure and
Postoperative care, as summarised in Appendice 5 (Flanagan 1997, 54). From these
factors, the following were identified as the main risk factors for SSI’s.

3.1 Patient...
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