
Páginas: 5 (1212 palabras) Publicado: 20 de enero de 2013
Sustainable Development
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Chapter 1: Introduction to SD
Introduction to SD
Professor Johan Galtung, a world-renowned expert in conflict resolution, discusses what he believes to be the main challenges currently facing the world.
Introduction to Sustainable Development : SD Gateway
This introduction to sustainable development, brought to you by the Sustainable DevelopmentCommunications Network, will help you to gain a quick overview of what sustainable development is and why it is important.
United Nations Division for Sustainable Development - Sustainable Development Issues
Sustainable Development Issues related to Agenda 21
Sustainable Development Principles
United Nations Division for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development Introduction - Global IssuesThis part of the web site looks at various aspects of development, sustainable development and how this relates to other issues such as poverty, inequality, the environment.
The Three Dimensions: Defining sustainable development - United Nations Industrial Development Organization

World Development Movement - Justice for the world's poor
The World Development Movement (WDM)tackles the root causes of world poverty. We campaign for fairer world trade, regulating multinationals and cancelling Third World debt.
The few ADB Executive Directors who responded to the invitation of the People’s Forum in Chiang Mai last year issued a challenge to NGOs and peoples affected by ADB projects: there are existingADB processes of accountability, use them. Not known to shun confrontation, NGOs and affected communities have taken the ADB up on that challenge. Unfortunately, the experience of civil society engaging with the ADB leaves so much to be desired. The ADB has been less than forthcoming and less than prepared for the offensive.
The Institute for Economic Democracy
The Institute for EconomicDemocracy highlights sustainable development through economic democracy and democratic cooperative capitalism. The institute researches economic democracy replacing geopolitical history; world systems theory; dependency theory; processes of power, economics and politics throught the Middle Ages to the present day; mercantilism is still being practised and is currently impoverishing both the Developedand Developing Worlds.
The Political Compass
Sustainable Growth - Interface, Inc.
Ray Anderson of Interface Inc. points the way to high profitability and zero waste -- a future that merges economic growth with social responsibility.
The Blessings and Challenges of Globalization | Cato's Center for Trade Policy Studies
Sustainable Growth: An Impossibility Theorem by Herman E. Daly
Economics,Ecology, Ethics, Herman Daly, GNP, standard og living, Brundtland, growth
SustainableEcoGrowthStrat.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Chapter 2: Human needs
Causes of Poverty - Global Issues
The poverty section of the Global Issues web site looks into causes of poverty around the world. Why are poor nations poor? What are the roles of the IMFand World Bank with their Structural Adjustment policies? What are the effects of debt. The roles of major players such as the United Nations, United States, Britain are also introduced. Tied in with other global issues which are inter-related with the issue of poverty, it affects all of us. Many links to other articles, research, essays and organizations are provided to look into such questions andissues.
Behind Consumption and Consumerism - Global Issues
Today’s consumption is a major cause of environmental degradation. It is also a backbone to globalization and this system maintains disparities between the rich and poor. Wasted wealth due to wasted capital leads to wasted labor and wasted resources and to maintain these disparities has been one of the major causes of poverty. This...
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