Ingles Hecho Por Mí

Páginas: 3 (530 palabras) Publicado: 5 de junio de 2012
NAME: …Camila Rocio Guevara……………………………………………………….
6th A
Dateline: Friday, 18th April
BLUE FINS by Sara Axten
Answer these questions:
1- What is the meaning of “fins”? (look the word up in adictionary)
2- What is the weather like? (page 2)
3- What are Jen and Rick doing on the beach?(page 3)
They are __________ and ____________
4- Does Rick like surfing? (page 4) _____, ___________
5- What colour are Jen’s fins? (page 5) They are ________________
6- Can Jen swim well? (page 6) ____, ____ _____
7- What can she see under the water? (page 6) She can see________________
8- Does Jen touch the see – urchin? (page 7) ____, ____ ______
9- What animal does Jen see in a net? (page 8) She sees a ___________ in a net.
10- Can the dolphin swim up toget air? (page 9) ____, ____ _____
11- Does the dolphin move its fins quickly? (page 9) ___, ____ ____
12- What does Jen do to help the dolphin? (page 10) She pulls _________
13- Is shehappy? (page 11) ____, ____ ____
14- Why does the lifeguard shout loudly? (page 12) Because there is a ________in the water.
15- Who does the shark come towards? (page13) It comes towards___________
16- Can Jen see the shark’s sharp white teeth? (page14) _____, _____ _____
17- What does the blue dolphin do? ( page 14) The blue dolphin _______ the shark.
18- Are Jen andRick safe?(page 16) _____, _____ _____
19- Do they thank the dolphin? (page 16) _____, _____ _____
20-After reading “Blue Fins”, do you still like going to the beach?
_____, __________
1- “Fins” means: Member of the bodies of fish, marine mammals and other animals, which are flat and roughly triangular, used to navigate in the water.
2- The weather like is hot.3- They are lifeguard and friends____
4- Rick, is very happy_
5- They are blue.____________
6- Swims, very quickly.
7- Can she see under the water the plants and fishes.
8- Jen...
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