
Páginas: 2 (409 palabras) Publicado: 4 de marzo de 2015
1 Emiliano Zapata was a village leader, farmer and horseman who became an important leader in the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920).
2 He was instrumental in bringing down the corrupt dictatorship ofPorfirio Díaz in 1911 and joined forces with other revolutionary generals to defeat Victoriano Huerta in 1914.
3 Zapata commanded an imposing army, but he rarely sallied forth, preferring to stay onhis home turf of Morelos.
4 Zapata was idealistic and his insistence on land reform became one of the pillars of the Revolution.
5 He was assassinated in 1919.
6 Before the Revolution, Zapata was ayoung peasant like many others in his home state of Morelos.
7 His family was fairly well off in the sense that they had their own land and were not debt peons (essentially slaves) on one of thelarge sugarcane plantations. Zapata was a dandy and a well-known horseman and bullfighter.
8 He was elected mayor of the tiny town of Anenecuilco in 1909 and began defending his neighbors’ land fromgreedy landowners.
9 When the legal system failed him, he rounded up some armed peasants and began taking stolen land back by force.
1 Emiliano Zapata fue un líder de la aldea, el agricultor y jineteque se convirtió en un líder importante en la Revolución Mexicana (1910-1920).
2 Jugó un papel decisivo en el derrocamiento de la dictadura corrupta de Porfirio Díaz en 1911 y unió fuerzas con otrosgenerales revolucionarios para derrotar a Victoriano Huerta en 1914.
3 Zapata mandó un ejército imponente, pero rara vez sallied adelante, prefiriendo permanecer en su propio terreno de Morelos.
4 Zapataera idealista y su insistencia en la reforma agraria se convirtió en uno de los pilares de la Revolución.
5 Fue asesinado en 1919.
6 Antes de la Revolución, Zapata era un campesino joven como muchosotros en su estado natal de Morelos.
7 Su familia era bastante bien fuera en el sentido de que tenían su propia tierra y no eran peones de deuda (esencialmente esclavos) en una de las grandes...
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