Jeffrey daham

Páginas: 8 (1827 palabras) Publicado: 9 de septiembre de 2010
Dentro de la historia de la humanidad siempre han existido personas que han marcado el rumbo de la misma; pero que además no sólo han modificado naciones enteras sino también la vida de muchas familias.
Existe una gran cantidad de personas famosas, muchas de ellas han tenido una vida plagada de ingenio y creatividad, han dado luz a un mundo que ha surgido de la sombra; perotambién han existido personas que han llevado a muchas familias y a naciones enteras a ir de la sombra a la total oscuridad.
Cada ser humano tiene rasgos muy particulares de personalidad, ésta nos permiten adaptarnos a las situaciones que nos vamos enfrentando en el devenir cotidiano. Cada uno de nosotros es diferente entre sí, aunque existan aspectos generales que nos hagan similares, nuestrapersonalidad es siempre diferente.
Ahora bien, podemos decir que presentar casos de personajes con características caóticas de personalidad, es este caso, asesinos seriales, es uno de los mejores ejemplos de los que se puede hacer uso con el propósito de poder poner en práctica el vocabulario de características de personalidad.

Jeff Dahmer wasborn in Milwaukee on May 21, 1960, to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer. He was a child who was wanted and adored, He was a normal, healthy child whose birth was the occasion of great joy. As a tot, he was a happy, bubbly youngster who loved stuffed bunnies and wooden blocks. He also had a dog named Frisky, his much-loved childhood pet.
He looked tense, his body very straight. He grew increasingly shyduring this time and when approached by other people, he would become very tense. More and more, he remained at home, alone in his room or staring at television. His face was often blank, and he gave the more or less permanent impression of someone who could do nothing but mope around, purposeless and disengaged.
Dahmer is an unusual serial killer. "He fits the stereotype of someone who really isout of control and being controlled by his fantasies”.
In Dahmer's case, everything was post-mortem... all of his 'fun' began after the victims died... He led a rich fantasy life that focused on having complete control over people...
The difference is that most serial killers stop once the victim dies. Everything is leading up to that. They tie them up; they like to her them scream and beg fortheir lives. It makes the killer feel great, superior, powerful, dominant...
Serial murder, psychopathology, necrophilia, cannibalism — none of these phenomena is unique to modern times. Today, genetics is gaining ground over behaviorism in explaining why people become criminals.
Dahmer killed 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. In gay bars, he offered young homosexual and bisexual malesmoney to pose for photos or to watch videos and drink beer at his place. Él drogados víctimas en un sueño profundo con bebidas cargadas antes de estrangular o apuñalar hasta la muerte, teniendo sexo anal con el cadáver, y luego desmembrar con una sierra. He drugged victims into a deep sleep with spiked drinks before strangling or stabbing them to death, having anal sex with the cadaver, and thendismembering them with a hacksaw. Las cabezas y los genitales se mantuvieron como trofeos, los bíceps y los músculos se congelaron otros para el consumo futuro. Their heads and genitalia were kept as trophies, biceps and other muscles were frozen for future consumption. Dahmer, dijo la carne humana "sabía como la carne de vacuno". Dahmer said human flesh "tasted like beef." El resto se ponía a hervircon productos químicos y ácidos antes de ser lavados por el sistema de alcantarillado. The remainder was boiled with chemicals and acids before being washed down the drains. Llevó a cabo algunas de las víctimas lobotomías. He conducted lobotomies some victims. La mayoría murió en el acto, se sirvió de ácido en un agujero perforado en el cráneo de su víctima, la víctima vivía y funcionaba en el...
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