Killing The Dragon Withing

Páginas: 2 (349 palabras) Publicado: 13 de diciembre de 2012
to take out our new nature…
9) This is why after our conversion the fight is tougher…
10) The man without Christ has only one nature, the one he was born with, and that naturedoes the wrong things when ever he pleases. There is no one to oppose him. There Is no struggle, no conflict.
11) Remember the Apostle Paul? He had a huge struggle….
12) Romans7:15-23, 24
13) Was Paul converted at the moment he wrote the letter to the Romans?
14) Do you understand? You and I are men and woman with two natures… and they don’t likeeach other.
15) Paul understood this and wrote in Galatians 5:16-17
16) Does that mean that all my life will be a life of conflict? Well it depends on us.
17) The illustration ofthe two beast
18) The problem is that as humans we feed more our sinful nature and that the cause of our constant failures, even after we have surrender to Christ.
19) How dowe nurture of feed our natures? Through our five senses… everything that come in our minds through our five senses, is food for our natures.
20) In reality…. Our victory and ourhappiness depends on our capacity to live with both natures, HOW? Feeding the nature of Christ and starving to death the other.
21) That’s what Paul says in Galatians 5:24…
22)Illustration of the man on the cross that would escape.
23) White…. Signs of the times…..
24) But there is a great promise 1 Corinthians 15:50-54
25) But in the mean time thatday comes we need to learn how to live with it… Paul discover this secret
26) He wrote to the Phillipians in 4:8
27) He stopped feeding the old nature and nature of Christtook full control of Him
28) He wrote in Galatians 2:20
29) At the time of his death Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:6-8
31) YOU KNOW WHY? Philippians 2:13
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