La Proposicion 8

Páginas: 5 (1027 palabras) Publicado: 4 de marzo de 2013
Gay marriage has been a topic of constant debate especially in California after proposition 8 was introduced by the coalition that was led by the church of Jesus Christ and latter-day Saints, better known as Mormons. Only 4 years ago proposition 8 passed with 52 percent of Californians' vote, but since that time, perspectives about gay marriage both in California and across thecountry have gone to a rapid stunning transformation. Proposition 8 was dictator unconstitutional by both a district court and an appellate circuit court, although both rulings have been stayed, so gay and lesbian couples in California cannot currently marry. This all started because the church of Jesus Christ and latter-day Saints and the coalition of families first donated hundreds of millions ofdollars so that this proposition would pass the state of California. In the documentary titled 8 the Mormon proposition, it showed how they coalition with the Catholic Church that would carry their cause “a coalition is hard to attack and particularly a young mother who was the chair of the state Board of Education especially when that young mother is not known for being Mormon” said the narratorof the documentary. This is him the coalition has been able to exert great influence without the church being singled out because they hide themselves behind other people that are not recognized as being Mormon. In the documentary they show that a investigative reporter who wanted to know who was behind the funding of the proposition so she started searching and came across documents that hadallowed the information of who was giving money and how much money was giving to back proposition 8. And… Someone was quoted as saying “We have organized things so the church contribution was used in an area of coalition activity that does not have to be reported.” The miracle of this whole issue is that the focus had been on the coalition and not at any time has the Mormon or the Catholic Church beensingled out. This required some careful orchestration. The main Mormon leader made a television appearance to tell all his followers that they needed to give money in support for proposition 8.the members of the home and church believe that whatever is said by their leader is like the word from Jesus Christ. He was trying to promote fear into his followers because as he told them that they neededto donate their means and time which to the Mormon means if they don't do that they “Will lose eternal salvation if they don't keep that promise, if not a simple request it's a commandment,” explains an ex member of the Mormon church. It was like a code for the church members they knew what they had to do.
Mormons have a belief of what heaven will be like that for them, they teach that theirheavenly father was once a human being and when he died he became God. He began marrying “spirit wives” and having “spirit offspring’s.” The Mormons believe that before we were born on earth, we were born spiritually to a heavenly father and one of his many wives. Mormons believe that life on earth is a test. If we become one and Mary a Mormon wife Mormons believe we to can become gods on their ownplanets filled with their own spirit wives and children.
The documentary goes on to explain how the first Mormons, that practiced polygamy were persecuted by some of the evangelical Christians, because the Christians were disgusted by the polygamy the Mormons practiced. The gay couple, which is the main focus of this film, is related to the first few founders of the Mormon religion. The moviewants you to see how ironic that they are now being denied to have the choice of whom they marry, because they are both of the same sex. The documentary wants to trigger your emotions; they want to make you think that gay marriage is not about destroying the traditional marriage, but about bringing people together to form a loving family. The people shown on the documentary are often crying...
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