La Rosa De Bloom

Páginas: 2 (366 palabras) Publicado: 7 de marzo de 2013
The basic idea is for the investigator to hang out with the participants and get to know how they feel and think about the course situation and what the important underl ying issues are.
It appearedin 1972 by M. Parlett and D. Hamilton
Arose as an alternative model to the traditional evaluation which focused on quantitative data
These evaluations generally attempt to measure whether anoperating educational programme is a "true implementation" of the programme goals and whether these goals are achieved.
It didn’t provide information of the reasons of the programme state.
As analternative model, Parlett and Hamilton then propose "illuminative evaluation", an approach of which the main concern is "description and interpretation rather than measurement and prediction".-------------------------------------------------
Investigate both the instructinal system and the learning backround and the conections or lack of conections between them.
Find out how different aspects of theprogram work or are being implemented
It is focused in the processess of learning and teching that occur in the programmwhitout necesarly seeking to change the course in any way as a result.
It aims todiscover and document what it is like to be participating in the scheme, whether as teacher or pupil; and, in addition, to discern and discuss the innovation's most significant features, recurringconcomitants, and critical processes.
The intention is thus to "illuminate" the project. Two basic concepts are crucial to this process, namely the"instructional system" and the "learning milieu".
Observation. This includes observing and documenting the "day-to-day activities" in the project under study as well as a variety of other events such asmeetings and informal conversations in "back of the shop" settings (1976:94). • Interviews. Here, "open-ended and discursive forms" of interviewing are more suitable for discussing complex topics...
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