Land And Water Animals
Land and Water Animals
Why do some animals breathe air and not from gills? In the world they are different kinds of animals, each one is classified such as,mammals, water, reptiles and amphibians.
The differences between land and water animals can be seen in how they give birth, their outer covering and how each species breaths.
An land andwater animals can be classified based on how they give birth. Land animals the majority of are mammals and all of them give to live young.
The gestation period; the process of development in the womb ofthe mother, is longer than most water animals. When born they are breastfed by their mothers with milk. On the other hand water animals, the majority of which are fish are mostly born from eggs. Thegestation process is short. When the process is finished the eggs are laid and the young hatch. Each one feeds for himself, unlike mammals who depend on their mothers.
Both types ofanimals can be classified by how they breathe. Land animals use lungs to breathe, first to do this they take a breathe air which travels to the lungs. The oxygen is processed and there the air is absorbedinto the blood strecum. Water animals also need oxygen to survive but they receive this element in a different way. Water animals breathe from gills. The process begins when water enters the mouth. Theanimals pumps water trough the gills to filter out the oxygen.
Both mammals and water animals need specific skin covering for their habitat. Land animals have skin and hair thatcovers the body; the dermis and the epidermis. The dermis contains the arteries and veins that pass the skin with blood. The epidermis protects the dermis. They also, produce skin structures such ashair, horns, claws, nails and hooves. Mammals have two coats of hair; the underhair and soft hair. Water animals do not have hair; they have scales which are small almost plastic flakes that cover...
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