Language Learning Through Icts Implications In Students’ Social Interaction

Páginas: 7 (1687 palabras) Publicado: 30 de enero de 2013

Camilo Ruiz Díaz

Maestría en Educación y Didáctica de las lenguas extranjeras
Universidad Libre
Sede Bosque popular

Language learning through ICTs promotes a social interaction amongparticipants which implies a new pedagogical paradigm concerning for on-line learning environments. To start talking about how learning environments promote online social interaction among participants is necessary to define certain important elements that support the premise. In the first instance is an environment to specify that, according to Daniel Raichvarg (1994), the word "environment" dates from1921, and was introduced by geographers who believed that the word "environment" was insufficient to account for the action of living humans on their environment. The atmosphere comes from man's interaction with the surrounding natural environment. It is an active concept that involves human beings and, therefore, involves pedagogical actions in which learners are able to reflect on their own actionsand those of others, in relation to the environment. On the other hand, the theorists of the new paradigm "situated cognition" focusing on developing of on-line learning supported by the principles which Vigostky proposed , is part and parcel of the activity, context and culture that developed and used . The paradigm of situated cognition is one of the most representative trends of socioculturaltheory are added together the introduction of information technology and communication as a tool to promote the learning as defined by Vigostky emphasizes the cultural context in that is acquired intellectual skills. In general, he argues that the acquisition of skills and socio-cultural context cannot be separated. In turn, the activity is marked by the situation, a perspective that leads to adifferent view of the transfer.
In this sense, for example, Cole (1989) noted the importance of culture in the development of literacy. Guberman and Greenfield (1991) have also argued that the determination of the target depends on the person's interaction with the social context and the individual's mental representation is the cognitive structure of the target in the social context. The termliteracy is currently not only related with the ability to read and write if no sense to acquire a minimal ability to use digital systems from a user perspective, thus access to virtual learning environments and social interaction through collaborative work involves a group of people with specific roles interact in favor of an intellectual construct or element of learning. Becoming such a dynamiclearning in a factory, but it helps the student to develop those social skills necessary for the individual in his social interaction.
With this methodology, cooperative learning skills develop, implement educational activities and solve problems.
On the other hand, Language learning through ICTs implies students’ autonomous learning strategies leaded by well planned teachers’ on-line activitieswhich help students to sharp their ethic and social skills by using of existing material properly, taking to account autonomous learning’ stemmed from debates about the development of life-long learning skills and the development of independent thinkers both of which originated in the 1960s (Gardner, D. & Millar, L. 2003 ) and autonomy in learning defined as that faculty which allows students tomake decisions that will lead to regulate their own learning according to a specific goal and a context or specific learning conditions (Monereo, C and Castello, M, 1997). Therefore, an autonomous person is "one whose self-regulatory system works so that you can successfully meet both internal and external demands placed upon it" (Bornas; 1994:13). Autonomous learning, offers students some...
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