Las Belugas Ingles Y Español

Páginas: 2 (336 palabras) Publicado: 26 de diciembre de 2012
Al nacer son de color gris, pero se vuelven blancas a los cinco años de edad; en otras lenguas recibe el nombre de ballena blanca. Habitan en aguas árticas y subárticas. El cuerpo tienevarias capas de grase que lo protegen del frío intenso. Las belugas comen mucho, incluyendo pescado, calamares, pulpo y crustáceos. Son animales extremadamente sociables que viven en bancos o manadas.Cuando viajan a los campos de alimentación y cría de verano, esos agrupamientos pueden estar formados por millares de individuos. Las belugas emiten sonidos y hablan tanto entre ellas que se las conocecon el apodo de los canarios del mar.
El nombre beluga deriva del término ruso “byeluka”, que significa “blanco”.

At birth are gray, but turn white at five years of age, in other languages​​is called the white whale. They live in Arctic and sub-Arctic. The body has several layers of fat that protect it from freezing. The belugas eat a lot, including fish, squid, octopus andcrustaceans. They are extremely social animals that live in herds or banks. When traveling to the fields feeding and summer, these clusters can consist of thousands of individuals. Belugas make sounds and speakboth among themselves that they are known by the nickname of the canaries of the sea.

The name derives from the Russian beluga "byeluka" meaning "white."

At birth are gray, but turnwhite at five years of age, in other languages ​​is called the white whale.

They live in Arctic and sub-Arctic.

The body has several layers of fat that protect it from freezing.

The belugaseat a lot, including fish, squid, octopus and crustaceans.

They are extremely social animals that live in herds or banks. When traveling to the fields feeding and summer, these clusters canconsist of thousands of individuals.

Belugas make sounds and speak both among themselves that they are known by the nickname of the canaries of the sea.

The name derives from the Russian beluga...
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