Las Ramas De La Biologia

Páginas: 6 (1432 palabras) Publicado: 13 de mayo de 2012
A nice Japanese custom
Una simpática costumbre japonesa |
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| Worldwide Holidays and Festivals
Feriados y Festividades Mundiales | Lee atentamente este glosario de algunos feriados y festividades celebradas en el mundo. |
On April 22, Americans think about protecting the earth. People givespeeches about saving the environment, and they even plant trees. | | HALLOWEEN DAY
On October 31, children dress up in masks and costumes. They knock on people's doors and ask for candy by saying
the words "Trick or treat!". |
For Christians, this is a religious holiday in December.
It is also a day when friends
and families exchange gifts around a Christmas tree. | |EASTER
For Christians, this is another religious holiday in March or April, and a day when many
people buy chocolate eggs and
bunnies and have Easter egg
hunts outdoors. | |
This special day in Argentina reminds of the gaucho who
used to drink mate. It's celebrated on November 10, with folk dances
and typical food: empanadas,
asado, and pastelitos. | | CHILDREN'SDAY
On May 5, Japanese families
put up bamboo poles with
colored streamers shaped like fish, in honor of their children. |
In January or February,
Chinese people celebrate their
New Year with firecrackers
and lion dances. | | CARNIVAL
During four days in February,
the Brazilians celebrate their Carnival. Many people think
that the Samba Parade is the
greatestshow on earth. | |
On November 2, Mexican families offer food to the dead and then
have a meal in a cemetery.
They remember their dead
as well as the continuity of life. | | HANUKKAH
During this religious festival
-usually in December-
Jewish families light candles
and give each other gifts. |
In May in the US and in October
in Argentinapeople honor
their mothers by giving them
cards and gifts. | | FATHER'S DAY
In June people honor
their fathers by giving them
presents and cards and
having a family gathering. | |
People honor workers and
have picnics with their family
and friends in May in Argentina,
and in September in the US. | | THANKSGIVING
In October in Canada and in November in the UnitedStates, people celebrate the harvest by preparing a large meal. They usually serve roast turkey. |
On February 14,
people in many countries
give chocolates, flowers,
or jewelry to the person
they love. | | SECRETARIES' DAY
In April, when secretaries
come to work, their bosses
give them cards, chocolates
and flowers. In this case...
a huge cake!! | |
MISENLACES UTILES | Períodos de Tiempo | Navidad y Año Nuevo |
| speeches: discursos; environment: medio ambiente; dress up: se disfrazan; masks: máscaras; costumes: disfraces, trajes de disfraz; knock: golpear; candy: golosinas (no lleva plural por considerarse un sustantivo no contable); trick or treat: o nos das algo o te hacemosuna broma; exchange: intercambian; gifts = presents: regalos; bunnies: conejitos; eggs hunt: cacería de huevos; folk: folclóricos, autóctonos; put up bamboo poles: levantan postes de bambú; streamers: serpentinas; shaped like: con forma de; firecrackers: petardos, cohetes; parade: desfile; dead: muerto, muertos; each other: mutuamente, el uno al otro; card: tarjeta de felicitación; a gathering =...
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