Lengua adicional al español

Páginas: 3 (720 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2013

Name: Jessica Cejin Garcia
Registration: 2686414
Course title:
Lengua Adicional al español
Teacher’s name:
Amparo Jimenez
Homework 4
Date: 14 – september - 2013Team: NA
Black Board, TecMilenio (2013)http://bbsistema.tecmilenio.edu.mx/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_133721_1%26url%3D
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test, CD-ROM


This test got a 4 as a grade, and i think this grade is correct because while you’re reading thesample, like the feedback says, you are able to understand everything the author says, but there are quite a few errors in some words and in some complete sentences, like when the author writes “This isthe thing that is never change by the time”, in this sentence, you get the idea of what the author wants to say, but you still know it contains grammatical mistakes.
The feedback also mentions howthe introduction and the conclusion are minimal; I think this affects the whole essay because with the introduction you are supposed to attract the attention of the readers to what you are saying sothey continue reading, and with the conclusion you are supposed to give that, a conclusion of your opinion, if you have a poor intro and conclusion, first of all, the reader won’t even read the wholetext or he/she will read it but won’t pay that much attention to your opinion.
Personally I think that the essay is quite boring because it seems like the author has no idea of the topic or his ideasare a mess.

• Identificar los niveles de la lengua en la película “Alicia en el País de las Maravillas”.
1. Explica con tus palabras que estudian la fonética, lamorfología, la sintaxis, la semántica y la semiótica.
2. Copia un diálogo de la película en la que se presenten cinco palabras que tienen, por sus sonidos, discrepancias con el alfabeto escrito.
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  • Lengua Adicional Al Español I
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  • Lenguas españoles
  • Lengua española
  • lengua española
  • Lengua española

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