Lic. Administración De Empresas Turisticas

Páginas: 2 (276 palabras) Publicado: 28 de enero de 2013

Violence and crime are the most terrible problems that the society suffers in this time. Actually in México the citizens live withfear and they try to stay at home the most part of his free time.
Three months ago, one of my best friends was talking, listening to the music anddrinking some beers with another friends right on their neighborhood, when two young persons, dressing jeans and t-shirt with a notebook on their hands,pretending to be students, approached them, asking for a lighter for their cigarettes.
When my friend gave them the lighter, one of them pulled a gun andthe other a knife. One of these guys told them that if they gave them their cellular, wallets, money, shoes, watches hats, golden chains, etc. Theywould not hurt them.
With fear my friends gave them everything they asked for, even a lap top they had on the seat of the truck.
The thieves had in ahurry and fortunately, they didn’t demand the keys to the truck. As soon as they took all the stuff, they run into a dark street near the park of theneighborhood. My friends jump in the truck trying to see where they run in order to explain the police where there can find the thieves.
My friends wentlooking for the police to report that they had their valuables stolen. But sadly suspect that the police were working with the thieves and they would not doanything for my friends and get back their stuff.
Nowadays young people in Mexico spend their free time on their home, having fun, and staying safe.
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