Los Temas

Páginas: 2 (340 palabras) Publicado: 27 de mayo de 2012
Aries: this week you will meet a stranger who will give surprises about a romance and work. Also you will take care of your healt and you will avoid diseases, but in general you will enjoyyour week. esta semana se encontrará con un extraño que le dará sorpresassobre un romance y el trabajo. También se hará cargo de suSanidad y evitará las enfermedades, pero en general podrádisfrutar de su semana
You willbe in troubles because your economy is not good, also you have liabilities ans you will try to organise your economy. Your friends will change and you willfeel stranger. Usted que se entablen en problemas debido a que su economía noes bueno, también tienes ans pasivos que tratará de organizar sueconomía. Tus amigos van a cambiar y usted sesentirá extraño.
You will have good days is likely that you will travel to a foreing country to salve a problem that affects you. You will have to listen toi opinions to grow and you will behappy with your achievements. Tendrá días buenos es probable que usted viajar a otro pais para acallar la voz de un problema que le afecta. Usted tendrá queescuchar las opiniones para crecery usted será feliz con sus logros.

You will be unfortunate in the economic
You will have many possibilities in love
You will be able to helppeople, take advantage
you will have many opportunities to work, but do not like, since you will be happy with your job
You will be able to overcome the things of the past and try tostart a new life
you will be able convert your defects in virtues, but seeks the way
you will be able fall in love with the last person, be careful
you can have problems with money, notwasted on unnecessary things
you will have the capacity to balance his economy
you will be able be a disagreeable person this week
you will might be able to make people smile, try
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