Market response

Páginas: 2 (412 palabras) Publicado: 29 de septiembre de 2010
Market Response
Now that know how important is to understand life cycles, segmentation and product positioning, we must add integrated marketing strategy. Because we must know what are going to bethe reactions and the consequences of the changes in the marketing mix, and the chapter develops different techniques for analyse and determine the most profitable level for each variable.
Therefore,each firm and business must develop the combination to obtain the accurate response from the consumers. Hence, responsability of the decisions made are the challenge for the marketing mix. Differenttechniques are used to help reach such endeavor. There is a mínimum sales levelrom customer reorders or chanel efforts that will occur even with no direct selling activities and manufacturer planning.Another type of strategy or technique is market dynamics. This technique consist in shoe the estimated effects of a change in a decision variable for a single period, but do not reflect the morecomplex dynamic effects resulting from consumer forgetting. We must focus on the product life cycle. Another type is the technique of análisis the inventory. That aggregate pattern of sales over timeoften shos discontinuities when Price promotion is used.
These kind of inventory effects are mostly readily observed in Factory shipment or wholesle response. Expectations can also cause discontinuitiesin response. Many technologies develop continual Price declines and performance improvements. Customer expectations concerning Price and product improvementes are only some of the factors that varyover the course of the life cycle. Advertising response primaril takes the form of product category awareness earlyin the life cycle.
Personal selling is critical to establishing distribution andreaching innovatos early in the life cycle. The single period effects of changing the market enviroment is far from simple. The market response to a change in one variable generally depends on the...
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