Mermaids (sirenas)

Páginas: 9 (2057 palabras) Publicado: 17 de junio de 2011
Las sirenas son seres fabulosos, originarios de la mitología griega y ampliamente extendidos en las narraciones fantásticas de la literatura occidental, cuya función y representación han variado con el tiempo.
Aunque en su forma original eran seres híbridos de mujer y ave, posteriormente la representación más común las describe como mujeres jóvenes con cola de pez.

The sirens are fabulouscreatures, originating in Greek mythology and widespread in the fantastic stories of Western literature, whose role and representation have changed over time.
Although in its original form as a woman were hybrid beings and poultry, the most common representation later described them as young women with fish tails.

* Overview and Etymology
The word is a compound of mere, the Old English wordfor "sea", and maid, a woman. The male equivalent is a merman.
Much like sirens, mermaids will sing to people or to gods to enchant them, distracting them from their work and causing people to walk off a ship's deck or to run their ship aground. Other stories depict mermaids squeezing the life out of drowning men while attempting to rescue them. They are also said to carry humans down to theirunderwater kingdoms. In Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid, it is said that mermaids forget that humans cannot breathe underwater, while other stories say they drown men out of spite, while still other fables portray mermaids as benevolent toward men.

The sirens of Greek mythology are sometimes portrayed in later folklore as mermaid-like; in fact, some languages use the same word forboth bird and fish creatures, such as the Maltese word 'sirena'. Other related types of mythical or legendary creatures are water and selkies, animals that can transform themselves from seals to humans.

La palabra es un compuesto de mero, la palabra Inglés Antiguo para "mar", y la criada, una mujer. El equivalente masculino es un tritón.

Al igual que las sirenas, las sirenas cantarán a laspersonas oa los dioses que les encantan, los distrae de su trabajo y haciendo que la gente a caminar fuera de la cubierta de un barco o para ejecutar sus varada de buques. Otras historias describen sirenas asfixiando a los hombres de ahogarse al tratar de rescatarlos. También se dice para llevar a los seres humanos hacia sus reinos bajo el agua. En Hans Christian Andersen La Sirenita, se dice que lassirenas que olvidar que los humanos no pueden respirar bajo el agua, mientras que otras historias dicen que hunden a los hombres por despecho, al tiempo que otras fábulas representar sirenas como benevolente para con los hombres.

Las sirenas de la mitología griega se considera a veces en el folklore más tarde como sirena-como, de hecho, algunas lenguas utilizan la misma palabra tanto para lasaves y las criaturas de pescado, como por ejemplo la palabra maltés 'sirena'. Otros tipos relacionados de las criaturas míticas o legendarias son el agua y selkies, los animales que se pueden transformar en focas para los seres humanos.
* History
In the Middle East: The first stories appeared in Sirens known about Assyria, before 1000 BC. The fact represent half a fish's body is due to thelegend mentioned by Diodorus Siculus in which Derceto offended the goddess Venus and then inspired her love of a pastor. This love was born a girl, Semiramis, who was to become Queen of Babylon. After the birth of his daughter, also at the hands of Venus, the love ended. Derceto, angry, abandoned his daughter, he killed the man she had loved, and jumped into the water ready to commit suicide, whichthe gods are not allowed. This led to their morphology amphibian.

In the British Isles: The sirens were reported in British folklore as omens of bad luck. The sirens could also swim in fresh water reaching the rivers and lakes and drown their victims into believing they were people who were drowning. Occasionally, the sirens could cure diseases. Some mermaids were described as monsters as...
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