A |
d |
a |
b |
c |
e |
a) Explanation
b) Immediate creativity
c) Accurate reproduction
d) Lead-in
Your own teaching method
P.P.P. Presentation, practice and production.
The teacher introduces a situation which contextualizes the language to be taught. The language, too, isthen presented. The students now practice the language, later the students using the new language make sentences of their own, and this is referred as production.
Language is one of manyways we use to communicate our needs. That’s why is very important to learn how to speak it well.
I think people learn by practice, if they don’t try to speak then never going to be able to expresstheir ideas.
That is why they need help from teachers, because´ they can give us the best way to learn the new language. They are going to give us all the keys to understand and practice all we wantto know.
Gonzalez Hermosillo Mariana Elizabeth
1. Explain the silent way is about:
Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers rather than remembers or repeats that learning is aidedby physical objects, and that problem-solving is central to learning.
2. What is the direct method?
Translation was abandoned in favor of the teacher and the students speaking together,relating the grammatical forms they were studying to objects and pictures, etc. in order to establish their meaning.
3. What is the main characteristic of the direct method?
Only the targetlanguage should be used in the classroom.
4. Which method uses the mother tongue as medium of instruction to explain a particular grammatical structure?
Grammar translation method
5. Isgrammar translation method based on speaking accuracy or written accuracy? Why?
The grammar translation method is based on written accuracy, because it explains the grammar using the mother tongue....
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