Philosophical Methods
Tania Daniela Vazquez Nava G=68
Maieutics Is a pedagogical method based on the idea that the truth is latent in the mind of every human being due to innate reason but hasto be "given birth" by answering intelligently proposed questions (or problems). The word is derived from the Greek "μαιευτικός", pertaining to midwifery.
The idea is reminiscent of the 4th century BCphilosopher Plato. In The Symposium and Theatetus, Plato discusses the Socratic method, a form of inquiry and debate between individuals with opposing viewpoints based on asking and answeringquestions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas. It is a dialectical method, often involving an oppositional discussion in which the defense of one point of view is pitted against thedefense of another; one interlocutor may lead another to contradict himself in some way, strengthening the inquirer's own point. As to maieutics, it is based on Plato's theory of recollection (anamnesis),so that it holds that knowledge is latent in the conscience awaiting discovery. This discovery is sought through dialectic and in contrast to Plato's theory, through inductive reasoning rather thandeductive.
In Theaetetus, the basic question is "What is knowledge?". Theaetetus is a young student of mathematics who proposed three definitions that are refuted by Socrates, according to whom,knowledge cannot be defined as a perception, nor as a true opinion, nor as an explanation besides a true opinion. Socrates debates these arguments from a critical point of view by posing more questions, butnever poses a conclusion on the matter of knowledge itself.
Cartesian The philosophical system of René Descartes (Latin, Cartesius ), of La Haye, in Touraine. The basis of his system is cogito ergosum. Thought must proceed from soul, and therefore man is not wholly material; that soul must be from some Being not material, and that Being is God. As for physical phenomena, they must be the...
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