Mexican Inquisition

Páginas: 2 (355 palabras) Publicado: 10 de octubre de 2012
Do you ever Heard about the Inquisition? The inquisition was a movement during the 15th and 16th century. During this movement the Holy Office was encharched of a lot of power and of a basic missionthat consist on punish people that were contrary of the ortodoxi that was dictated from the power of the pope.
What I know about the Inquisition is that was started because in 1571 theSpartians introduce in Mexico and influence us to start it. When the Inquision was bring from the New World was employed for many of the same reasons against the social groups. The power of the Inquisitionwas different on every country.
With this investigation I want to answer some questions that I have about Mexican Inquisition. What was authorized The Holy Office to do? What possessed theinquisition? When end the Mexican Inquisition? Why some members of the Carvajal were killed?
I made a list of all of the things I wanted to learn about my topic. From that list I start checking eachquestion to know what would help me more to know about my topic. I choose one to base all my investigation the one I choose is How and why come members of the Carvajal family were killed?
My searchtoor about two weeks, it was different from other works. I start doing an online search using as topic Mexican Inquisition. I found a lot of websites that have a lot of information about my topic butsomeone have incorrect information. Because I found a lot of websites with incorrect information I start revising some books but I don’t found to much information because they talk mostly about SpanishInquisition. At revising the books I found an article talking about Mexican Inquisition but that make me doubt because on the website that I revised says that the Mexican Inquisition was during the16th century and the book say that was during the 12th and 13th century on the year 1275. Because of my doubt I start checking again more carefully the information so I revised my work and make it...
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