
Páginas: 8 (1987 palabras) Publicado: 15 de mayo de 2011
Introductory Microeconomics
Economics 111 – 04(7322)/05(7325)
Dickinson College – Fall 2010
Dr. Tricia Hawks
Meeting times: Monday and Thursday 1:30 – 2:45(04) and 3:00 – 4:15 (05)
Location: Denny Hall Room 203
Dates: August 30 – December 18, 2010
Final Exam: Section 04 – 2pm on Thursday December 16
Section 05 - 9am on Friday December 17
OfficeHours: I will hold office hours on Thursday between 11:30 and 1:15 in Alt House room 214. I will also be in my office on Mondays between 12:35 and 1:15. You may contact me by email at hawkst@dickinson.edu. If you have a pressing problem, you may call me at home at 243-5431. (Before 9pm only!

Course Description and Objectives: A study of the fundamentals of economic analysis and ofbasic economic institutions, with particular emphasis upon consumer demand and upon the output and pricing decisions of business firms. The implications of actions taken by these decision-makers, operating within various market structures, upon the allocation of resources and the distribution of income are examined. Special attention is given to the sociopolitical environment within which economicdecisions are made. 1.0 Credit Hours

The overall learning objectives of the course are:
(i)             To enable you to adequately master the basic principles and tools of
(ii)            To enable you to apply these principles and tools to particular issues
(iii)           To adequately prepare you for more advanced courses in economics(iv)          To enable you to adequately develop and use quantitative reasoning
skills and to be able to comprehend and create basic numerical and/or
logical arguments

Texts: We will be using Frank and Bernanke’s text, Principles of Microeconomics 4th edition. This is published by McGraw Hill Irwin | ISBN 9780073362663. If you choose to use an older edition of the text, itis your responsibility to see that the questions in your text match those in the edition used here. You are also warned that page numbers are likely to differ. Again it is your responsibility to verify the materials being referenced.
We will also be using an online learning resource called Aplia which is available at www.aplia.com. There is a fee for this service (currently, $35). You areexpected to create and pay for an account where graded materials will be collected and compiled for your final course grade. This is a required material for this class.
There will also be a Moodle site for this class. I will post handouts and assignments here as well as articles I think may be of interest to you.

Grading: Your grade will be calculated as follows:

|Component:|Percentage toward final grade: |Notes: |
|Aplia Assignments |20% |These will be drawn from the online assignments |
| | |associated with most chapters in the text. |
|PaperAssignments |20% |At the end of most chapters, I will give a paper |
| | |assignment (a traditional homework assignment). |
|Exam One |15% |This will cover approximately the first 5 |
|| |chapters. |
|Exam Two |20% |This will cover approximately chapters 6 – 9 |
|Exam Three |25% |This will be a comprehensive final on all...
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