
Páginas: 7 (1604 palabras) Publicado: 29 de noviembre de 2012

Napoleon Bonaparte was forced to choose between following the principles of the 1789 revolution, or to part from these principles and revert to a political system similar to that of the old Bourbon monarchy. The task that hefaced was considerable and Napoleon was very successful in following the revolution's principles for the first part of his career while also ascending to immense power himself. As Napoleon's power in France and then Europe increased, Napoleon began to depart from revolutionary ideals and created institutions similar to those the revolutionaries had attempted to destroy. As an opportunist,Napoleon changed his ideals from 'revolutionary to reformist to reactionary depending upon what suited him at the time.'

The revolution of 1789 changed the course of French and much of European history, the old feudal system was abolished and the structure of French society was radically altered according to the principles of 'liberty, equality and fraternity' . Privilege was disbanded as thefoundation of society, the nobility was no longer exempt from taxation and the country people practically destroyed feudalism. Previously excluded people were involved in politics for the first time, the electorate was expanded and the legal code was reformed. Many grievances held by workers and members of the bourgeoisie were answered and there was hope amongst r evolutionaries that lasting change couldbe made to the social structure of not only France, but Europe as well.

In the decade from 1789-1799 a number of attempts were made to establish a constitution that would install the ideals of the revolutionaries. Constitutional monarchy from 1789-1791 failed because of disputes between Louis XVI and the revolutionaries over the Church, which came under assault because of its previousexemption from taxation, and counter-revolutionaries who posed a threat to the revolution. The precarious relationship between the revolutionaries and the King began to unravel and the royal family decided to leave France, however they were caught and Louis XVI returned to Paris. The monarchy was abolished and the Jacobin reign began. Sweeping justice reforms began to occur and this lead to 'The Terror'of 1793-4. The Jacobin reign could not last because of its extremes so the Directory became the government of France in 1794.

The Directory lasted four years, the longest of any post-revolution governments, but by 1799 it was seen as a temporary solution and out of date. The economy faced many problems, inflation was very high and the government was unable to pay the salaries of its employees,experiments with paper currency were a disaster and there was a threat of invasion from Russia and Austria who had been appalled by the execution of a fellow monarch. The Directory was unable to install the principles of the revolution or ensure France's security, it was seen as time for a new style of government. The Directory was undermined from within and a 'possible coup was alreadythree-quarters complete in the mind of Roederer'. Napoleon, in the minds of many disillusioned French citizens, had been called upon 'to save France from the crisis into which it had been thrown by the pitiful government of the Directory.'

The Brumaire coup took place in 1799 and executive powers were given to Napoleon, Sieyes and Roger-Ducos. Even though the coup was a destructive and momentous event,it did not make personal power, which Napoleon achieved four years later, inevitable. After the coup, Napoleon stated the principles that he felt were important were 'the duties of citizenship, the sanctity of property and inviolable freedoms.' This differed from the revolution's 'liberty, equality, fraternity' slightly, placing more emphasis on the rights of property. By also excluding...
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