Of Mice And Men Summary
This project is about the great Depression in the United States, a crucial time in which many people got the chance to see what life was really about and what could really happen. I read the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck; this book illustrates how exhausting, fatiguing, draining and harsh the life of migrant farmers could be. The American dream clearlydefines the importance of hard work and believes that any dedication to a better future guarantees a person of a clear future, family and an average lifestyle at the least. Working from the top to bottom should not be difficult with much determination. This concept is clearly brought out in the book through the characters’ lifestyles and dreams. We see George and Lennie having a dream to becomeowners of their own ranch/farm some day. As George works in a ranch, he is depicted to clearly have the hope of becoming rich and having a comfortable life. He talks about his wishes to his friend who believes with him.
Of mice and men, help me get the concept about famers and Americans living in the United States for that time and how they suffer from different things.
Book Summary
Murdercan seem wrong under every circumstance, but if it is a way to help a friend escape suffering it is justified. George, one of the main characters of the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, kills his best friend Lennie. George’s decision to kill Lennie is justified because he was being a loyal friend by avoiding all the suffering Curley and the others wanted to cause Lennie and killing him inpeace.
As an individual, George proved to be a good person. He always tried to stay out of trouble and treated others nicely and with respect. He was a hard working person who tried to achieve his goals through arduous work. When George and Lennie arrive to the ranch, Curley starts giving Lennie trouble and challenging him. George becomes concerned of this and gives Lennie some advice to keephimself from trouble with Curley. This proves that George likes to settle things peacefully and like to stay out of trouble. During their stay at the ranch, George became very friendly with Candy, an old man who was always put aside due to his age and physical disability. He even shared his lifelong dream with him and included him in the plan. George was friendly with other people no matter theircircumstance, which proves him as a good person.
George and Lennie have been together for a very long time in which George has demonstrated that he treats Lennie well and takes good care of him. Ever since Lennie’s Aunt Clara died, George has taken care of Lennie. During this time, he has made many sacrifices in his life for Lennie. Like that time in Weed when George and Lennie had to flee Weed dueto Lennie’s childlike behavior with a lady in a red dress who claimed Lennie had raped her. George was settled in Weed and had a job there but sacrificed it all for Lennie to have a good life. He proved to be a loyal and supportive friend for Lennie. This is shown when Lennie says to George, “I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you…”page# 14. Lennie wasn’t an easy person tolive with considering he was mentally retarded, but George was always on his side. Whenever someone criticized Lennie he would say things such as, “He ain’t no cuckoo. He’s dumb as hell, but he aint crazy. And I ain’t so bright neither, or I wouldn’t be buckin’ barley for my fifty and found…” page# 39. In this statement, George even criticizes himself in order to defend Lennie, which shows just howmeaningful and important Lennie was to George.
George made the decision to kill Lennie, which was better than the alternatives Lennie had. After Curley found out that Lennie was responsible for his wife’s death, he threatened with shooting him in the guts. George tried to find better alternatives when he said, “Couldn’ we maybe bring him in an’ they’ll lock him up? He’s nuts, Slim. He never...
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