Rebbeca: chapters 1 - 7 summary.

Páginas: 2 (283 palabras) Publicado: 15 de mayo de 2011
English Advanced I Oscar Villegas

The story begings with Mrs. Van Hopper, a wealthy American lady, and his young trip companion (mentioned as "theheroine") at Monte Carlo, a resort hotel in the south of France.

Mrs. Van Hopper was a wealthy woman, she was only interested in money and in phisicalapereance. While she was staying at the hotel she recognizes a handsome young man who is staying at the hotel and points him to "the heroine"; Mrs. Van Hoppertells her hi is Maxim de Winter, the owner of the famous state of Manderley and his wife (Rebecca) has died the past year.
Mrs. Hopper invites him to teaand shows her most vulgar and arrogant side to Maxim and to "the heroine" as well, so, Maxim treats her coldly but later on apologizes with the heroine forsuch rudeness.

After that, Mrs. Van Hopper turned ill, so the heroine had free day for herself, at luch she runs into Maxim, who was insisting on eatingwith her and after meal, they both had a trip on the coast.
Since that day, they both kept going on trips to the coast and she began falling in love of himbecause of his kindness and mostly because a phrase Maxim said: "I am dead inside and she makes me feel alive". Despite this, the heroine often comparesherself unfavorably to Maxim's dead wife Rebecca. Meanwhile, Mr.s Van Hopper does not know anything about the pair's excusions.
Suddenly Mrs. Van Hopper decidesto leave Monte Carlo and take a boat to New York, the Heroine goes up to Maxim's room and to her surprise, he busquely proposses marriage, the Heroine acepted.
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