
Páginas: 2 (302 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2013
Verbs | Meanenglish | meanespanish | sentence | Verb,adjetive,sustantive |
invite | To request the presence of in a kindly or courteous way : to invite | Llamar a una persona para que asistaa un acto | I invite you to my birthday | Verb |
Know | To perceive or understand as fact or truth | Conocimiento. conocer una cosa | I know when is your birthday | Verb |
Collect | Tomake a collection | Acciony efecto de recolectar | I collect stamps | Verb |
Mysterious | Involving or full of mystery | Que encierra un misterio | he is mysterious | Adjective |
Hungry |Have a desire | Que tiene mucha hambre.deseo | Sha was hungry | Adjetive |
Obedient | Complying with or submissive to authority | Cumplir la voluntad del que manda | She is an obedient student| Adjective |
Birth | Date of a person birth | Fecha en que la personas cumplen un año más de vida | Today is my birthday | Adjetive |
Amussement park | Is a place where you can have fun| Lugar donde tu puedes divertirte con tu familia y amigos | She went to the Amussement park | Sustantive |
beggar | Person who begs alms or lives by beggings | Persona pobre | Yesterday Isaw a beggar | Adjective |
Downtown | Top or in the main bussiness section in a city | La parte superior o en la sección principal de negocios en una ciudad | Yesterday, my mom went to thedowntown | Sustantive |
Splendid | Excelent or very good | Excelente o muy bueno | He is a splendid Singer | Adjective |
Victorious | Having achieved a victory | Después de haber logrado unavictoria | They are victorious | Adjetive |
Discober | Find something | Encontrar algo | Christobal colon discober america | Verb |
Dance | Move a one´s feet or part of your nody acompanimenteof music | Mover una parete de tu cuerpo al ritmo de la musica | She dance very good | Verb |
swim | float on water | Flotar en el agua usando flotador o no | She swin everyday | verb |
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas