Terapia genica

Páginas: 3 (699 palabras) Publicado: 17 de noviembre de 2010
Gene Therapy
Sasson A.(1) define gene therapy as a methodology that addresses the insertion of genetic material in an individual to treat a disease, the application of this procedure involves theemergence of risks, which has raised a great ethical dilemma. This therapy has been rejected by many scientists because their benefits do not outweigh the dangers associated with it, plus there aretherapeutic alternatives with the same potential and they do not share the same risks. 
Social and ethical implications of the implementation of the Human Gene Therapy 
This technique shows the realpossibility of modifying the human genome final significance for the individual and even at the descent, the emergence of this technique raises a strong concern of the community, related to bioethics,and that through genetic manipulation is obtained improvement of the human being and therefore runs the risk of eugenics.
Dr. Rodriguez E. dr. in bioethics in the Chile University(2), proposed thatusing gene therapy, is possible to create an offspring with beneficial properties over other people do not benefit from therapy, hence the concern to limit this therapy to therapeutic purposes, trying tokeep out other features of diagnostic, preventive or eugenic not healing properly.
One aspect to consider is the economic aspect, since the cost of implementation is very high, which creates aninequality between social groups in receiving the benefits of this technique.
Accord to the journalist Whelan WJ.(3), another limitation of this technique is about informed consent, this raises aquestion about whether we have the right to decide for future generations, is ah raised that gene therapy violates the dignity of humans to change the genetic content of the next generation, whose consentcannot be obtained and whose interest it is difficult to explain, would also affect the integrity of the human genetic heritage.
Gene therapy could be used to achieve genetic improvement. The...
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