
Páginas: 2 (460 palabras) Publicado: 22 de septiembre de 2012

1. Name: Jessica Johanna Parraga CorredorFamily First
2. Date of Birth: 11 January 1994 Age: 18Years

3. E-mail Address:Jesikina.111@hotmail.com

4. Emergency Phone Number: 4074245

5. PermanentAddress: Carrera 40D # 2B- 85

6. School: Liceo del Caribe

7. Who are yourfamily members?

Name Relationship Occupation Age
Parraga Milton Fatherindustrial engineer 44 Years
Diana Corredor Mother Housewife 42 Years8. Have you ever travelled outside of your homecountry? Yes No If yes, please tell when, where, why and most important of all how did you like your trip:

Drive time onApril 24, 2009, Orlando Florida has, for a cheerleading competition I had, I found it excellent that were 10 and know many places in the capacity9. Do you have any special needs? For example: diet, health... Yes No

If you said yes, please describe: No...
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