The Art Of Starting Something

Páginas: 3 (561 palabras) Publicado: 15 de octubre de 2012
The art of starting
Top-ten list
1. make meaning, best reason, create to make a better place, How
2. make mantra: no mission, take your meaning and make a mantra out of it
3. get goingcreating and delivering product think in tools u use to build products not ideas
4. define your business model : greatest idea, technology, product, or service is short lived with outsustainable business model.
5. Wave a mat (milestones, assumptions and tasks) for discipline and keep an organization on track
a) major milestones you need to meet
b) assumptions that are builtinto your business model
c) tasks you need to accomplish to create an organization.
1) Make meaning: powerful motivator
* Make the world a better place
* Increase the quality of life* Right a terrible wrong
* Prevent the end of something good
2) Make mantra: why mission statement mission statement generator. Sacred verbal formula repeated in prayer,meditation, or incantation, such as a invocation of a god, a magic spell, or a syllable or portion of scripture containing mystical potentialities. Short and sweet, nike :authentic athleticperformance, tag line: just do it.
3) Get going there will be time to improve
* Think Big
* Find a few soul mates takes a team to make any venture work
* Polarize people, goal is tocatalize passion, better than lack of interest
* Design Different I want one, Porsche, my employer couldn't, what the hell, its possible (mobiles), there must be a better way
* Use Prototypes asmarket research, there is no sirvey or focus group that can predict customer acceptance for a product or service that you may barely be able to describe.
4) Define business model: who has yourmoney in their pockets, how are you going to get it into your pocket.
* Be specific, in customer, niched to segment
* Keep it simple charges an annual membership fee and commission
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