
Páginas: 2 (484 palabras) Publicado: 8 de octubre de 2012
Tourism means the principle of traveling for pleasure. Many people are in the habit of traveling over different countries in order to see the places of their respective interests like the structuresof sculptural beauty, attractive spots of nature and so on. So, we find a lot of foreign tourists in different countries.

The travels of the foreign tourist bring a lot of money to the countrieswhere they travel. Hence, tourism has become a source of income for the countries to which the tourists come. Hence, tourism is now developing as a great industry. In the world of 1971, the totalturnover from it was fifteen thousand crores of rupees. Over one hundred and eighty million people were involved in this industry. Such a great industry cannot be ignored by India which abounds in the spotsof tourist-interest. Beside, India wants to earn foreign exchange to strengthen her financial position.

Tourism in India:

With a view to earning foreign exchange India wants to develop hertourist-industry. Since a pretty long time Kashmir has become a regular receiver of tourists. Innumerable number of people come from abroad to visit this prettiest place of India. Most of the people ofKashmir earn their bread and fortune by dealing with the tourists in various ways getting money from the tourists through hotels, restaurants, rest houses, boat-houses, conveyances and by hawking,peddling and guiding. So, the Kashmir State Government provide in its budget five crores of rupees for the development of tourism in the state of Kashmir during the fifth plan period.

The Government ofIndia is also doing its best to develop tourism in our country. In big cities like New Delhi, Bombay, Madras and Calcutta, the Government has established modern high-style hotel with modern amenitiesfor the very rich tourists who may come to India. Te places of tourist-interest are developed in multifarious ways like lighting, water-supplying, beautifying and so on. The Government is publishing...
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