Traveling Project

Páginas: 17 (4250 palabras) Publicado: 17 de enero de 2013

Presented by:

Ruddy Rodriguez Barreto
Kathleen Cortés Bahamón
Carlos Borda

Universidad Del Tolima – internacional business
Ingles III
Ibagué – Tolima


The country that we chose is Chile because our company is an travel and tourism agency, this country is very tourist so we think that our company can considerer a expansionin Chile, and one of the best places for beginning is the region of Valparaiso because it has a heavenly beaches, so every time of year many people travel to visit the beautiful places and relax in its comfortable hotels.

Viña del Mar, located in Region V, about an hour and a half away from the city of Santiago, is said to be the city that "enchant" or better known as the Garden City, becauseit offers multiple options in both the summer and the rest of the year.
It is ideal to spend the time as it has many beaches, restaurants, nightlife, museums, parks and big business, that give the visitor a host of alternatives. Viña del Mar has been the seaside resort by excellence of large numbers of foreigners and local tourist for several decades.

This project is about a business travel inwhich we will visit the different exotic and emblematic places of Viña del Mar, to design the best tour package to this destination, so you are going to find some information about another country (Chile) and the methods and costs to travel there that we have research (in internet). Also, there is detailed travel information that includes airfare, hotel, mail, the different modes or ways of moveinto the country, and the price of each thing; after you’ll find a list of activities arranged for the business travel.


Name of the country

There are several theories as to the origin of the name “Chile” .One of the most outstanding feature writers referring to this designations is abbè Molina ,a Chilean scholar and historian who asserted that “Chile” derives from theMapuche word trih or chi ,a voice used to call a local bird.

According to Diego de Rosales, a researcher from the XVIII century, “Chile” was the name of the native tribal chief who governed the valley of the Aconcagua before the occupation of the Inca empire. In turn, for historian Ricardo Latcham, it was the Incas who brought along a group of mitimaes natives who gave the region the name of“Chile”, the same name they had given to a river in Peru.


The total surface of Chile, including its continental, Antarctic and insular areas is 2,006,096 km2, without considering its territorial sea and the corresponding continental platform. The mountains forming the Coast and the Andes Mountain Ranges, parallel to one another, give shape to a central valley that gets into the sea asit reaches Corcovado Gulf only to reappear in the shape of archipelagos, peninsulas and fjords up to Cape Horn.

The effect of erosion and the action of volcanoes have given shape to various kinds of sceneries all along the territory which give special features to each region in the country


The latest statistic data provided by the National Census carried out in 2002 throw aresult of 15,589,149 inhabitants ,with a population density of 20.4 inhabitants per km2 and an average age of 30.04 years old.

The Metropolitan Region concentrates most of the population, with 6,061,185 inhabitants, followed by the Bio Bío, Valparaíso, Los Lagos and Maule Regions.


The latitude, altitude and closeness to the sea determine Chile’s climateAdvancing from North to South,the rainfall regime increases and temperatures decrease. The desert spreads from the Peruvian border to the Copiapó River, setting an area of scarce rainfalls with an average temperature of 16° C which begins to decrease as the Andes Mountain Range is ascended. To the South of the Copiapó and up to the Aconcagua River, the rainfall index increases, with an annual average of 113 mm and an...
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