
Páginas: 3 (565 palabras) Publicado: 29 de octubre de 2012
Eduardo: good afternoon sir! How may I help you?
Kevin: yes,we’d like to make a flight reservation for this Friday.
Eduardo: what’s your destination?
Kevin: we want to fly to Newyork.
Eduardo: let me check what flight is available? Oh! I have one for this sunday
Luis miguel: Do you have another flight. We need to travel with urgency. Because we are on vacation.
Eduardo: Iam sorry we don’t have.
Alex: Guys let’s go by road or rail
Kevin: last week I travelled by rail
Alex: what was the journey like?
Kevin: It was a long journey. We had to change transport atportland. So we decided to go by road It’s much safer.
Luis miguel: let’s go to the road station to ask the cost.
Eduardo: goog afternoon! May I helpyou?
Alex: I’d like to reserve three tickets for me and my friends. We need to travel the sooner the better.
Eduardo: oh! Yes in this station you have the option of travelling by estatecar,bus,coach,tram,lorry or van. What do you prefer?
Luis miguel: What’s the fastest?
Eduardo: the bus because the driver is an expert.
Alex: we’d like the cheapest bus available.
Eduardo: let me see! ThePrice is one hundred dollars.
Luis miguel: what? It’s very expensive. I said you gays,let’s go by sea. I know an excellent liner,the captain is my friend.
Kevin: maybe, some friends told me thatit has an excellent galley,the bernk is comfortable ,the cabyn is big and the crew is helpful.
Alex: I’d prefer to travel by ferry or yacht if the cost is expensive.
kevin: Guys. I Heard on thenews that a liner was wrecked, the passengers were marooned on a desert island.
Luis miguel: I know another flight station. Last month I flew to Atlanta. It was on early morning flight. It was to takeoff at 6:a.m. and land at 7 a.m.
Kevin: oh! Guys,let’s decide please, we want to enjoy our vacation, know girls,visit interesting places,know girls, go to the beach,know girls,go to the disco,know...
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