Unidad aprendizaje ingles

Páginas: 4 (754 palabras) Publicado: 23 de marzo de 2012
I.2. That’s something!
3. Use the words in the box with the conditional 0 structure to complete some different facts facts about wáter.Needs/Process/Water/Leaves/Die/When/Get |
a) If you _____________ a barrel of crude oil, it ________________ 7000 liters of water to refine it.
b) Plants _________ if they don’t get enough ________________.
c) ________you drink water, it your stomach ________________ in about 5 minutes.
I.3. I love Science!
3. Read and complete the e-mail to with the verbs in simple present tense in the box.
Love / Becomes /Closes / Am / Think |
Hi Daddy!
Everything is fine here. I _______ very excited about my visit to the Science Museum today. You Know, I _______ Science. There is an exhibition about Mars.
Do you knowthat Mars is the seventh largest planet in our solar system? Let me tell you more. It is red because it is rusty. There is a lot of iron in the soil, and the air on Mars has made it turn red – justlike rusty iron on Earth. It is the fourth closest planet to the Sun. Mar’s diameter is 4,200 miles.
One of Mar’s moons, Phobos, is moving closer and closer to Mars. Scientists _______ that one day itwill crash into Mars. It has the highest volcano in the Solar System. It is named Olympus Mons, and it is 15 miles high, which is three times the height of Mount Everest. Like Earth, the poles ofMars are covered with ice. The ice _________ thicker in winter. In winter, nighttime temperatures on Mars drop to as low as -191°F.
Mar’s thin atmosphere is composed mostly of carbon dioxide. Ahundred-pound man would weigh 38 ponds on Mars. Well Dad, you might be tired by now. Maybe we can go to the museum when you get back. It ____________ at 8:30 p.m. every day. I’ll write you tomorrow. Goodnight, Ann.

I.4. I’m really interesed in space!
1. Carol and Bruce are in the classroom. The teacher is not in yet. They talk about science. Complete the conversation with the...
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