I Robot

Páginas: 3 (547 palabras) Publicado: 13 de abril de 2011
“Words are not enough”
In this world, our world we have many beauties. For example, in some of videos on the T.V show it places, but it is not the same thing that going to see it, because forexample you can go on camping with your family or with your friends, yes but in Chile, because if we go to other country to see these landscapes, it cost too much.
Today I´m going to talk and describeabout the three beautiful places that are in Chile, because if I speak about all the countries of the world, I would be talking all the day.
In Chile, our country, we have many beautiful places thatare visited each year by more and more touristy, of course I’m going to speak the best possible, but I can not, because I cant describe with all the details because words are not enough to describethe beautiful places of Chile.
In Chile we have a place that is a wonderful place, witch is the Easter Island. Even, this island is commonly known by his music, not just on the island, also in othercountries and cities of Chile.
In this place we learn a lot about his customs and new things like some fruits, the music, etcetera. As I said Easter Island is known for his music, but moreimportantly, are the statues called moais. Usually if I ask someone, do you know Easter Island? First thing that he thinks are the moais. If I go one day I would spend all day in the sea, because on thatisland the water is much clearer than in Viña or other beaches that we normally know.
Other beautiful place are the Towers of Paine, are normally snowy and under these towers is a gap that is formed bythe snow, as this will melt and forming the green lagoon, as there is grass and trees. National Park of Towers Of Paine, are know by many tourists, this means that is a tourist place
Today, I´m talkingabout the three beauties of Chile that are very beautiful but you don’t know about these, you are thinking about more details but as I said before words are not enough to describe this beauties....
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