+Trabajo En Ingles

Páginas: 4 (871 palabras) Publicado: 15 de noviembre de 2012
Preparatoria Estatal #8 “Carlos Castillo Peraza”
Intermediate English
Campaign against childhood obesity
Teacher: Marcos Tamayo.
Baeza Zapata Kasandra
Balam Díaz Verónica Gpe.
BojórquezLizama Daniel Alberto
Contreras Cobá Rebeca Gpe.
Cruz Borges Génnesis Nayelly
Mérida, Yucatán October 4th 2012
Group: B Grade: 2º 

Campaign against childhood obesity
In thisproject, we’re going to talk about something that modern people are worrying so…one of the most popular diseases in our times is obesity; this disease has expanded around the world without recognizinglimits, race, sex, religion, age, etc… In Mexico and Yucatan, it’s of course a disease very alarming, because when people are walking around the stress, we can see fat boys, and we stop, and thing, whatwould happen to that guys that they just eat because they like? It’s very interesting…
The obesity is characterized for making people gain weight, and at the same time, the people have troubles withtheir other vital organs like the heart.
But ... what means to be obese? …
When people talk about being overweight or being obese, means having a greater quantity of body fat to be healthy. We allneed some fat in the body, but when a person has excess fat, this excess can affect their health and ability to walk, run and move. It also affects the physical aspect of the person, which is fatterand rounder than the other.

How Is It Measured?
A person can weigh less than desirable, having an ideal weight or overweight. There is no perfect weight for every child, but there ideal weightranges for children, depending on your height, gender (and age). Although a healthy child can weigh more or less, a good range of ideal weight for a child of eight years is between 23 and 32 kilos (50 to70 pounds).
But being overweight is more than a number on the scale. The doctor is an appropriate person to evaluate the weight of a child, because you can look at the graphs of their ideal weight...
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