Páginas: 2 (366 palabras) Publicado: 29 de noviembre de 2011
1914-1918.- World War I
1.- Industrialized
2.- Empires} Austria- Hungary, Russia, Ottoman
3.- Paix Armeé
4.- France Ferdinand killed
War ended on 1919} Treaty of Versailles
November 11, 1918Treaty of Versailles
1.- Money
2.- Alssace and Lorraine
3.- Colonies
4.- Weapon
New International Order
1.- U.S.A} Potency
2.-Empires disappear
3.- Yugoslavia
1917.- Russian revolutionautocracy
1917.- Lenin
1924.- Joseph Stalin} U.S.S.R} Heavy industry (private property)
Fascism.- accept private property} Totalisim, They were back up by the Bourgeoisie.
Causes World War II1.- Treaty of Versailles
2.- 1929 ¨The Great Depression¨
3.- Fascism vs Communism

Fascism TRIB
1.- Total obedience to one party and leader
2.- The state censors books, newspapers,denies free speech
3.- They preach strong nationalism

5.-Media- Gobbles
6.- Military revolution
7.- Work ship the Leader´s personality
1919.- Fascist Party (fasces)
1)Economic Crisis
2) Communism
3) ¨Black shirts¨
Spanish civil war
1923.- Coup d´Etat- Primo de Rivera
1931.- Republican Power (left)
1936.- Fransisco Franco
1939.- Fraticida war ends
1938.-Austria- Sudeteland- Czechoslovakia
September 3, 1939.- 1940 Denmark, Norway, Nederland, Luxemburg and Belgium
¨Blitzrieg¨- Lightning war
June 16, 1940- France, Luxemburg, Belgium
Germany France
Japan Great Britain
Italy Russia
Hitler-Austria-Sudeteland- Czechoslovakia} Munich pact, Poland on September 3, 1939
June 16, 1940- France
1940-1941 Greece, Albania, Balkans

Stalingrad 1943
The navy of the U.S.A located on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii wasattacked by Japan on December 7, 1941
In 1944 they defeated Musolini and use the LEAPFROG tactic
June 6, 1944- D-day (Americans attacked French)
On April 30,1944 Hitler died 3rd Reich
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