2parcial ingles

Páginas: 7 (1653 palabras) Publicado: 22 de julio de 2014

Nuclear Waste Disposal
As we near the end of the century, the disposal of nuclear waste is becoming a concern. Many nuclear power plants around the world are nearing the end of their operating lives. This is particularly true in the United States where most nuclear power plants areapproaching the end of the operational time period allowed in their licenses. Locally the Ginna power plant, 20 miles northeast of Rochester, on Lake Ontario, is attempting to deal with these issues. The close of the cold war has left us with radioactive waste from decommissioned nuclear missiles. 
The disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants and nuclear missiles is as politicallyintense an issue as the plants and missiles themselves. Yet the three issues have remained curiously separate in spite of their close physical ties. Few debates on nuclear power or nuclear weapons discuss the problems of waste disposal should the power plant or missile be decommissioned. Few debates on nuclear waste disposal discuss the opportunities to close nuclear power plants or get rid of nuclearweapons a disposal site would afford. 
Nuclear waste can be generally classified as either "low level" radioactive waste or "high level" radioactive waste. Low-level nuclear waste usually includes material used to handle the highly radioactive parts of nuclear reactors (i.e. cooling water pipes and radiation suits) and waste from medical procedures involving radioactive treatments or x-rays.Low-level waste is comparatively easy to dispose of. The level of radioactivity and the half-life of the radioactive isotopes in low-level waste is relatively small. Storing the waste for a period of 10 to 50 years will allow most of the radioactive isotopes in low-level waste to decay, at which point the waste can be disposed of as normal refuse. 
High-level radioactive waste is generally materialfrom the core of the nuclear reactor or nuclear weapon. This waste includes uranium, plutonium, and other highly radioactive elements made during fission. Most of the radioactive isotopes in high-level waste emit large amounts of radiation and have extremely long half-lives (some longer than 100,000 years) creating long time periods before the waste will settle to safe levels of radioactivity.This area will describe some of the methods being under consideration, for dealing with this, high level, waste. These include short-term storage, long-term storage, and transmutation. 

Eliminación de Residuos Nucleares

Al acercarnos al final del siglo, la eliminación de residuos nucleares se está convirtiendo en una preocupación. Muchas plantas de energía nuclear en todo el mundo estánllegando al final de su vida de servicio. Esto es particularmente cierto en los Estados Unidos, donde la mayoría de las centrales de energía nuclear se están acercando al final del período de tiempo de operación permitido en sus licencias. A nivel local la central Ginna , a 20 millas al noreste de Rochester , en el lago Ontario, está tratando de hacer frente a estas cuestiones . El final de laguerra fría nos ha dejado con los residuos radiactivos de los misiles nucleares fuera de servicio.
La eliminación de los desechos radiactivos de las centrales nucleares y misiles nucleares es políticamente tan intensa como el problema de las plantas y los misiles. No obstante, los tres temas se han mantenido separados, curiosamente a pesar de sus estrechos lazos físicos. Pocos debates sobre laenergía nuclear o armas nucleares discuten los problemas de eliminación de residuos, el desmantelamiento de una planta de energía o un misil. Escasas son las discusiones sobre la eliminación de residuos nucleares que plantean las oportunidades para cerrar las plantas de energía nuclear o el traslado de las armas nucleares a un determinado lugar.
Los residuos nucleares suele clasificarse como "...
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